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Q: What is the biggest monarchy in the world today?
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What type of government did japan have post-world war 2?

Japan has a monarchy even today and before WW2 they had an Emperor. The monarchy today is more of a ceremonial position, but it still exists.

What type of government did japan have post World War 2?

Japan has a monarchy even today and before WW2 they had an Emperor. The monarchy today is more of a ceremonial position, but it still exists.

Do you still have monarchy and oligarchy today in the US?

yes, actually its all over the world

How many are Monarchy's in the world today?

There are currently three absolute monarchies in the world. They are Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Swaziland.

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How does Paine think the practice of choosing monarchy was originally different from today?

Paine wouldn’t be thinking about today since he died 200 years ago. The world today is a whole different world.

Where is monarchy today?


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Probably the DeBeers organization.

What countries had both monarchy and republic?

Well it depends on the time period. England is a constitutional monarchy, so is Spain and the Netherlands. Japan is an imperialistic constitutional monarchy. These are only a few of the long list of constitutional monarchies in the world today and in the past.

Biggest diamond in the world?

Akbar Shah from India with a not known address today..

Where is Monarchy used today?


How do you feel about World War 2 today?

It was the biggest war throughout history of the entire world.