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Q: What is the biggest wildfire in the world?
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What was the biggest wildfire in size ever?

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How tall was the biggest wildfire?

No right answer to this question!! A guess would be 3 or 4 hundred feet. Only a guess now!!

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What is a wildfire refuge?

A place to go in a wildfire.

What was the biggest fire in California?

The biggest wildfire was near Los Angeles in October 2007. It took 19 days to get rid of the fire. The fire was spread by Santa Ana winds and had a destructive effect on 230,000 hectares of vegetation

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Maybe its like a wildfire it keeps burning

What was the longest time in the world a wildfire as last?

The 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season has been identified as the longest wildfire event in the world, lasting for several months and burning over 18 million hectares of land.

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What nicknames does Sylvia Wildfire go by?

Sylvia Wildfire goes by Sylvia Goldberg, Sylvia Karp, and Wildfire.

How do you use wildfire in a sentence?

Simple care can prevent a dangerous wildfire. The news hit like wildfire.

When is wildfire season?

The wildfire season is in the hot summer.