No, prime factorizations consist entirely of prime numbers.
composite numbers
no 5 is not a composite number 10 15 20 and 25 are composite
139 is a prime number. Prime numbers have only one prime factor: the numbers themselves.
Prime numbers are better.
They are composite.
51 is composite (3 x !7); the other numbers are primes.
They are all composite.
45 and 51 are both composite numbers. This means they both have factors other than themselves and one.
3929 is a prime number and 51 is a composite number
47 is prime, the rest are composite.
24, 51 and 72 are composite numbers 71 is a prime number.
Only 51. (51 = 3 x 17)
61 and 71 are prime numbers the rest are composite numbers
Composite numbers are numbers that are not prime- that is, they are divisible by numbers besides 1 and themselves. 51 is actually divisible by 1, 3, 17, and 51, so it is composite.
No because they are both composite numbers