2. The method to calculate the highest/greatest common factor aka HCF is to first get the numbers' prime factorizations and then multiply them. For example the numbers are 15,75 & 60. So,
Prime factorization:
In this 3*5 is common in all the factorization, therefore the HCF=3*5 or 15.
The GCF of 76 and 86 is 2. You draw a factor tree..
76 86
2x38 2x43
When the number is prime you circle it and so on 76, 2x38, 2 is prime and so you break up 38 to 2x19 and they are both *prime numbers. On 86 both 2 and 43 are prime and so you would just keep them two. and the only number they haave in common is two.
* Prime number- A number than can only be multiplied by one to get it self.
What makes a greatest common factor "common" is comparing at least two terms and finding something common between them.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 8
The greatest common factor is 2
The greatest common factor of 30 and 39 is 3.
The GCF is 2a.
The possibilities are infinite. One set: 1. 2xy 2. 2x2y 3. 2x4y
The GCF is 9s3
The GCF is 5.
8M and 12M2
5a and 7b
2x and 6x