A PhD is usually used to referr to a higher degree of education. In Finland a typical PdH degree requires 300 studypoints, which takes about 5 years to obtain.The degree has different names depending on what faculty you graduate from. For example, if you're getting a degree in a humanistic subject or in nature science, the degree is called filosofian tohtorin tutkinto, or filosofian maisterin tutkinto and in technical subjects the degree is called diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto. In most others it's called master of something, for example musiikin maisterin tutkinto(in music) or teologian maisterin tutkinto (in theology).In Finland people usually don't say that you have a degree, because the name of the degree becomes rather long, but instead referr to the person who has finished a degree. For example you are a diplomi-insinööri or a musiikin maisteri.
To become a X-ray technician, you need a 2 year Associate Degree or a 4 year Bachelor Degree. It is also preferred if you are professionally certified. You can find more detail information on this website http://www.ehow.com/how_2068941_become-xray-technician.html
Ralph's mother was Earl's technical second wife. But that lasted only a week or so since he didn't want to have sex with her, again.
First name Napoleon. Last name Bonaparte.
The name of the show is Suits.
A fourth degree polynomial can be called a "quartic".
Yes, any second-degree polynomial is quadratic. Degree 0 - constant (8) Degree 1 - linear (n) Degree 2 - quadratic (n^2) Degree 3 - cubic (n^3) Degree 4 - fourth degree (n^4) Degree 5 - fifth degree (n^5) Degree 6 - sixth degree (n^6) and so on............ Also a degree I find funny is the special name for one hundredth degree. Degree 100 - hectic (n^100)
-8x2 - 2x + 8 this is a quadratic equation or a second order polynomial it is a second order polynomial because it has a term in x2 For every polynomial we name it according to the highest power term in the equation.......
There is no other name for a polynomial.
It is the Coefficient. It only refers to the given term that it is front. e.g. 2x^2 - 3x + 1 The '2' in front of 'x^2' only refers to 'x^2'. The '-3' in front of 'x' is the coefficient of '-3' The '1' is a constant.
Quintinomial, is a polynomial with 5 terms
I can solve this question . But i think it is better to hold on . I want to register my finding with my name.
your moms but
As of my last knowledge, Mr. Technical Difficult, whose real first name is Kyle, has not publicly disclosed his last name.
A quadratic polynomial must have zeros, though they may be complex numbers.A quadratic polynomial with no real zeros is one whose discriminant b2-4ac is negative. Such a polynomial has no special name.
Lucy Hayes was the first first lady with a college degree.