Two numbers that are relatively prime (have a GCF of 1) like 25 and 36, will have their product as the LCM.
36 and 9
As written, no numbers satisfy those conditions. 6 and 36 have a GCF of 6 and an LCM of 36.
18 and 36 12 and 36
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.
The two numbers are... -36 and -36
How about: 4*9 = 36 as one example
The numbers are 3 and -12
Two will do as for example 4 times 9 = 36
The two numbers that satisfy the given conditions are 4 and 1. When you add 4 and 1, you get 5. When you multiply 4 and 1, you get 4. The two numbers are 4 and 1.
Any multiple of 36 will do. Multiply 36 by different numbers, until you get a 5-digit number.Any multiple of 36 will do. Multiply 36 by different numbers, until you get a 5-digit number.Any multiple of 36 will do. Multiply 36 by different numbers, until you get a 5-digit number.Any multiple of 36 will do. Multiply 36 by different numbers, until you get a 5-digit number.