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So far all I have found was that a loaf of bread in 1895 was 3 ¢. I did find a list of prices for a somewhat earlier era of 1850. Here it is: From two General Store Account Books of John H. Sherwood one can get a glimpse of the life of the times. At least 200 residents names are mentioned and all literally "traded" produce for supplies. Occasionally buyer and seller "agreed" on some purchases. Credit was given for butter, apples, eggs, flaxseed, muskrat skins, firkins, rags, veal, lard, hay, dried apples, corn, wood (2/per LB), a day's work (75 cents), bunches of pine or hemlock shingles, ashes, cord wood, chestnuts (6 qt. for 28 cents), oats (28 cents per Bu.), rye (5/bu), plastering cellar (S.A. Barnet), bundles of straw, 21 prs sox (@2/ - $5.25 toward materials for a coat, vest and dress), buckwheat, maple sugar, transporting barrels of flour, use of horse, etc. Food prices: Eggs 9 cents per doz.; coffee. 10 cents per LB; salaratus, 8 cents per LB; 1 orange 3 cents, 1 lemon, 2 cents, alum. 8 cents per LB; 6 lbs. codfish 24 cents, 1 LB crushed sugar, 1/; brown sugar. 6 cents; 1 bbl flour, $6.75; 1 stick candy 1 cent; 1/4 LB, 6 cents, licorice 3 cents. Drygoods: Pr of shoes, 38 cents, 56 cents, 63 cents, $1. 13; gloves 14 cents, 31 cents; fur hat $1.; oilcloth hat. 50 cents; caps. 81 cents; night cap 4 cents; calico 1/yd; bleached sheeting. 1/per yd; red flannel, 3/per yd; linen bosom. 37 cents; umbrella $1.25; parasol $1.00; 1 pr whalebones. 4 cents. 6 long ones 38 cents; feather fan. 31 cents satchel $1.25; cotton hose. 10 cents. Misc: 1 doz. matches. 1/; 3 ox oz snuff. 3 cents; 1 oz indigo. 10 cents; 1 LB beeswax 25 cents; lamp black. 2 cents; tallow. 10 cents LB; 1 paper tobacco. 5 cents; razor. 38 cents; snuffer & tray, 50 cents; lamp wicks 1/; a broom. 13 cents; a rake 13 cents; a scythe. 38 cents; 1 LB shot 8 cents; spelling book. 1/; Saunders' Reader. 31 cents.

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Q: What was the cost of food in 1895?
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If you know the food cost against sales, it is 100*(food cost)/sales. If you do not know food cost or sales, you cannot know the answer.

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