Paul Larido (Radmaste)
Mamokgethi Setati (Marang)
Jackie Scheiber (Radmaste)
Phoenix Cassidy Moteke (Learnscapes)
Aarnout Brombacher (Brombacher & Associates)
2 for South Africa and 5 for most of the rest of Africa
South Africa is a country in the region of southern Africa. Southern Africa includes the 5 countries of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa.
It is 7 pm in South Africa
Univ. of Cape Town, Univ. of Natal, Univ of Pretoria, Univ. of Orange Free State, Medical Univ. of South Africa.
Thailand is ahead by 5 hours. For example; if it was 9:00am in Thailand, it would be 4:00am in most parts of South Africa.
5 top indian mathematicians
through what media is sport covered in south Africa - top 5 list
Nigeria, then you have Ethiopia, Egypt, DRC and South Africa as the top 5 populous nations of Africa.
1. South Africa 2. Ghana 3. Mali 4. Tanzania 5. Guinea
Top coal producers in 2006 were: China USA India Australia South Africa
2 for South Africa and 5 for most of the rest of Africa
education skills organisational and management know-how honesty work ethic
5 FM Highveld Stereo East Coast Radio Good Hope FM Jacaranda
Hom are the five mathematicians
The top 5 platinum producing countries are South Africa, Russia, Zimbabwe, Canada, and the United States. These countries have significant platinum reserves and active mining operations that contribute to the global supply of platinum.
1. India 2. England 3. Australia 4. New Zealand 5. South Africa