Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)?
Sorry, wasn't that Lev Pontreaghin? I know Euler also went blind later in his life, but i think he's referring to Euler (went blind as he was 14 or so, an accident involving fire).
Doris Cannell was not herself a mathematician, but she did contribute to the world of mathematics. She was a British teacher who lived in the 1900s and wrote a biography of George Green, a famous mathematician.
Jeff Goldblum plays the mathematician, Dr. Ian Malcolm.
srinivasa ramamujan
René Descartes was the french philosopher and mathematician who was labeled as the French father of enlightenment.
professor allotey
Leohnard Euler
"A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that doesn't exist."~ Charles Darwin
Yes, Pythagoras is a mathematician.
Mathematician is 'Mathematiker'
pythagorus was a mathematician
yes Mary was a mathematician
A mathematician can be a engineer, an astronaut or a electrician.
Yes, George Boole was a mathematician.