Computers have zero IQ. Computer can understand or feel "High voltage" or "Low voltage" or you can say, on and off. Computers use '0' for low voltage and '1' for high voltage. by using the conbinations of '0' and '1' all numbers and characters are classified. for example- if you have to write 'A', It is represented in ASCII code assigned to it and then converted to binary, hence use it.
Humans understand natural numbers (1,2,3,etc) , but computers only understand binary (0,1). Computers only understand either 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
There are several codes. One of the older ones is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). It used a 7-bit code which permitted 128 characters. When that number was found to be inadequate the American Nation Standards Institute (ANSI) introduced an 8-bit version. Computers use ANSI code pages which are whole sets of ANSI codes. Then there are other systems like UNICODE.
OK. I have it. What now ?
The font is NOT Japanese or Chinese it is binary code. All zeros and ones.
Machine code.
A binary encoder is a person who creates a code used to program computers at the most basic level. Claude Shanna developed binary encoding in the 1930s.
Not 2 numbers - 2 digits. The digits 0 and 1.
Machine code e.g binary code 011100010001101010001100010001001001
Computers read binary code. Binary code is made up of 1's and 0's. Programming sometimes uses Binary Code, sometimes not. That's what they have in common.
The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
Binary is used in all computers because at the hardware level, everything is simply on or off, 1 or 0.
A Binary code is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by the use of the binary number system's two-binary digits 0 and 1.So the purpose of binary code is to issue human readable code, changed to machine code (binary) that the computer understands and can execute the instructions.
This is a code that computer programmers use to better communicate with computers. Because computers operate on a binary code system that is difficult for humans to understand, a code that made communicating with computers easier.