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There are several codes. One of the older ones is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). It used a 7-bit code which permitted 128 characters. When that number was found to be inadequate the American Nation Standards Institute (ANSI) introduced an 8-bit version. Computers use ANSI code pages which are whole sets of ANSI codes. Then there are other systems like UNICODE.

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Q: How binary is stored in a computer?
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In what form is data stored in a computer system?

It is stored in binary, that is in the form of ones and zeroes.

Why is information stored in some kind of binary format in computers?

Information is stored in some kind of binary format in computers because computer memory is made out of binary digits (bits).

Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in?

binary form by SaravanaUltimate

How integers are stored as binary digits in computer?

It is 0 and 1.0=OFF AND 1=ON.

What is stored on a computers harddrive?

Everything. All of the code that tells the computer how to boot up and shut down and all of your files and programs.

Why all data stored in a computer in binary form?

Because binary (0 or 1) is the only format that the computer can understand. A transistor is either off or on. There is no other state.

What is binary form in computer?

First we have to know that "in which form data is stored on computer is logical" (may be the two stable states of a flip-flop, two positions of an electrical switch, two distinct voltage or current levels allowed by a circuit) According to computers Binary form means 0 or 1, through which data in computer is stored to represented

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Because everything in a computer is stored and processed in binary, and 1 byte equals 8 bits

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