1 is not a Prime number because every number is divisible by 1, including itself. 0 is not a prime number because the division by 0 will not produce any real numbers.
It is: 29
Nope.... 1 is a factor of every prime number !
The purpose of a factor tree is to divide a number into prime factors. 1 is not a prime number.
No. The number 1 is not their only common factor.
a prime number
The greatest prime number between 1 and 30 is 29. 58 has 29 as a factor.
It is: 29
Every whole number has at least one prime factor.With the possible exception of ' 1 ', whose only factor is ' 1 ' andisn't considered a prime number.
No - as 1 is not a prime number.
Nope.... 1 is a factor of every prime number !
No prime number only has one factor. Each prime number has itself and 1 as factors. Now, the number 1 of course has only one factor, but it is technically not a prime number.
30 and 49 are relatively prime because the GCF (greatest common factor) is 1. The definition of a relatively prime number is two nonzero numbers that have a GCF of 1.
Because 1 is not a prime number.
No, 1 is not a prime number.
The purpose of a factor tree is to divide a number into prime factors. 1 is not a prime number.
no it can not be a prime number as a prime number has has to have 2 factors in it and 1 only has 1 factor itself
No. The number 1 is not their only common factor.