Yes; it will form a honey-comb shape.
<> for image.
because the outline of France is like the shape of a hexagon
the general shape of France is roughly that of an hexagon.
the word hexagon is used as an alternative name for France itself because of the general shape of the country, which fits (very roughly) in an hexagon.
Metropolitan France is often referred to a 'l'Hexagone, and is indeed roughly hexagonal in shape.
No, it's a hexagon.
Yes, a regular hexagon does tessellate.
Triangle, square, hexagon.
Yes they do. In fact the honeycomb that bees make is a natural tessellation of the hexagon.
yes there are several ways to tesselate this figure.
No only three can tesselate. they are: An equilateral triangle, a square and a 6 sided hexagon.
You can do that by simply proving that the hexagon is a regular hexagon. You could do this by dividing the hexagon into 6 equilateral triangles of the same size successfully that tesselate to form a hexagon, thus proving that all sides are equal.
By themselves, only 3: triangle, square and hexagon. But there are combinations: eg octagon + square.
Some concave hexagons can. For an extremely crude figure, but the best that this browser will allow, see below (the full stops are only for positioning the diagonals):____________\.................\..\.................\../................//___________/
Yes. Tessellated hexagons are the basis of many natural structures such as honeycombs.
They can tesselate - provided they are the correct shapes.
Yes, rectangles tesselate. A tessellation is a tiling pattern.