

Best Answer

Unless graded on a curve, 60% is an F.

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Q: IS 60 percent a B or a C?
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Is 60 percent a C?

D or C

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What is 78 percent as a letter grade?

78% is considered a C. Normally the letter grade scale is that an A is 90-100, B is 80-89, C a 70-79, D is 60-69 and F is anything below 60.

What B percent of what number is C?

Let the number be X, then B% = B/100 → B% of X = C → B/100 x X = C → X = C ÷ (B/100) = C x 100/B = 100C ÷ B So to find the number, divide C by B percent.

Is an 83 percent closer to a B or a C?


If A exceeds B by 40 percent and B is less than C by 20 percent then A is to C is?

Assume that B is 100% A therefore is 140% —> B + 40% C therefore is 120% —> B + 20% Therefore A : C = 140 : 120 Therefore A exceeds C by 16.67%

Is a percent of b c?

Not necessarily.

What grade is 61 percent?

Letter Grade. 94 - 100. A.| 90 - 93. A-.| 87 - 89. B+.| 83 - 86. B.| 80 - 82. B-.| 77 - 79. C+.| 73 - 76. C.| 70 - 72. C-.| 67 - 69. D+. |63 - 66. D.| 60 - 62. D-.| < 60. F.|i hoped this helped

What is 60 percent letter grade?

Depends. Usually, 90-100 is an A 80-89 is a B 75-79 is a C 70-74 is a D and 69 and below is usually an F