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Its deletion duplicating inversion and translational

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1mo ago
  1. Deletion: loss of a chromosomal segment.
  2. Duplication: repetition of a chromosomal segment.
  3. Inversion: reversal of a chromosomal segment.
  4. Translocation: movement of a chromosomal segment to a new location on a different chromosome.
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Q: 4 types of mutation resulting from the breakage of chromosomes?
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Describe four types of mutations resulting from the breakage of chromosomes?

Deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation.

Which types of mutation can add genes to a chromosomes?

insertion and deletion

Describe four types of mutation resulting from the breakage of chromosome?

Deletion: a segment of the chromosome is lost during breakage. Duplication: a segment of the chromosome is copied and inserted back into the chromosome following breakage. Inversion: a segment of the chromosome is reversed and re-inserted following breakage. Translocation: a segment of the chromosome breaks off and joins a different chromosome.

What is the 2 types of breakage?

The two types of breakage are physical breakage, which involves the actual splitting or fracturing of an object, and emotional breakage, which refers to the psychological or emotional damage or distress experienced by an individual.

List two types of gene mutations?

Point mutations: involve a change in a single nucleotide within the DNA sequence, leading to the substitution of one base for another. Frameshift mutations: occur when nucleotides are either deleted or inserted into the DNA sequence, causing a shift in the reading frame and potentially altering the entire sequence downstream.

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Which of the following types of mutation resulting in an error in the mRNA just after the AUG start of translation is likely to have the most serious effect on the polypeptide product?

A frameshift mutation, such as an insertion or deletion of a nucleotide, that occurs just after the AUG start codon is likely to have the most serious effect on the polypeptide product. This is because frameshift mutations shift the reading frame of the mRNA sequence, causing all subsequent codons to be read incorrectly, leading to a completely altered polypeptide sequence.

What are the major types of mutation event?

gene mutation, chromosomal abberations

What are the types of mutations that can occur?

nonsense mutation, missense mutation, frameshift muation, deletion or addition mutation

What types of cells are seen in chromosomes?

Cells are not found in chromosomes. Chromosomes are found in cells.

What are two types of mutation?

From another angle: beneficial and detrimental.

What is a karyotype and what type of mutation does it show?

A karyotype is a visual representation of an individual's chromosomes. It can show various types of mutations, such as deletions, duplications, translocations, and inversions, by displaying changes in the number or structure of chromosomes.