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Q: What do we call the chromosomes having equal or almost equal arm?
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What do we call an organized profile of a person's chromosomes?

we call it a karyotype

What do you call chromosomes that look alike and carry genes for the some traits?

homologous chromosomes

What do you call a change in a gene or chromosomes?


Do humans have matching pairs of chromosomes?

Yes we do. The chromosomes match each other perfectly, except the one that carries the sex information. One is an X and the other a Y, if a person is a boy or girl, they both having matching chromosomes, except the boys get short-changed and one of them is a bit shorter, and they call that the Y, that's why.

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What is the cell with a pair of homologous chromosomes?

we call it diploid

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What is having two chromosomes of each pair?

Having two chromosomes of each pair is called diploid. In humans, diploid cells have 46 chromosomes, organized in 23 pairs where one chromosome from each pair is inherited from each parent.

What do you call chromosomes that have the same length and carry genes for the same trait?

It is Homologous chromosomes because they carry thesame genes and homones.

When the new cell receives chromosomes from each parent what is it call?
