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Her final speed is 14.5 m/s.

The kinematics equation v = at + v0 will be useful here. Note that t is the time measured in seconds, a is the acceleration, v0 is the initial velocity, and v is the velocity after t seconds (the final velocity).

We are given that v0 = 10 m/s, a = 0.500 m/s2, and t = 9 s.

Using the above kinematics equation we get v = (0.500 m/s2)(9 s) + 10 m/s = 14.5 m/s.

Since speed = |velocity|, then her final speed = |14.5 m/s| = 14.5 m/s.

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1mo ago

The final speed of the cyclist after 9 seconds can be calculated using the equation: final speed = initial speed + (acceleration x time). Given the values, the final speed is 10 m/s + (0.5 m/s^2 x 9 s) = 14.5 m/s.

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Q: A cyclist is traveling at an initial speed of 10 ms She accelarates at a rate of .500 ms find her final speed after 9 s?
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To calculate the initial and final mass in a radioactive decay equation, you would typically use the equation: final mass = initial mass * (1 - decay constant)^time. The initial mass is the quantity of the radioactive substance at the beginning, while the final mass is the amount after a specified amount of time has passed.

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