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Q: According to Copernicus what were the ways in which the earth moved?
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In what ways did Copernicus agree with hipparchus and ptolemy?

spinning in smaller orbits as they make the bigger revolutution

Did scientific thought hold that the earth was the center of the universe and therefore religion ruled all?

Yes, during the medieval period in Europe, scientific thought was influenced by the belief that Earth was the center of the universe, known as geocentrism. This view was aligned with religious teachings, particularly those of the Catholic Church. However, with the advancements in astronomy and the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus and later supported by Galileo, the understanding of the universe evolved.

What has gone wrong in the world according to Scientology?

polution, travel and everything that hurts the earth and weather in bad ways.

Who influenced Nicolas Copernicus?

Nicolas Copernicus was influenced by his uncle, after his father died when Nicolas was only ten. His uncle educated him. Also, note people spell his name many different ways so pick which one i guess..

How many ways does earth moove?

The earth mooves 4 ways

How many ways are there to help the earth?

There are over 100 ways to help the earth... : )

How is moved use in a sentence?

The word moved is a past participle verb. Thus, it can be used in the following ways: I moved house last week. All the fish had moved downstream. It was raining, so the teacher moved the kids indoors.

What are Three ways that energy is moved from place to place on earth?

Conduction: Energy transfer through direct contact between materials. Convection: Energy transfer through the movement of fluids or gases. Radiation: Energy transfer through electromagnetic waves such as sunlight.

How do clouds help heat the earth?

Clouds trap heat on Earth by absorbing and re-radiating thermal energy from the surface. This process, known as the greenhouse effect, contributes to keeping the planet's temperature within a range conducive to life. Additionally, clouds reflect sunlight, preventing some of it from reaching the surface and helping to regulate temperature.

Why do objects moved in different ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

What are three ways the earth can change?

There are many ways in which the Earth changes with time. The Earth will change shape and climates for example.

What are ways to pollute the earth?

littering is very dangerouse to the earth