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It's calculated assuming the tapagraphy of the country is flat. Water area is included in the total for all inland bodies of water as well as some coastal estuaries, bays, sounds, waterways and etc.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The surface area of a country is typically measured and calculated using geographic information systems (GIS) technology, which analyzes satellite imagery and geographic data to determine the boundaries and size of a country. This information is then recorded and published by national mapping agencies or international organizations.

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Q: By what means is the surface area of a country measured or calculated?
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Where is the intesity of the gravitational field of earth at maximum?

The intensity of the gravitational field of Earth is at a maximum at the surface of the Earth, and it decreases as you move away from the Earth's surface. This means that standing on the surface of the Earth will experience the strongest gravitational force.

What are the two liquids that show upper meniscus?

Mercury and water are two liquids that show an upper meniscus when measured in a graduated cylinder or other narrow container. This means that the liquid forms a concave shape at the surface where it meets the container's walls.

How are distances measured on a map?

Distances on a map are usually measured using a scale. The scale is a ratio that represents the distance on the map to the actual distance on the ground. For example, a scale of 1:100,000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 100,000 units on the ground. This allows you to calculate the actual distance between two points on the map.

What is 3.5 grams on a hand scale?

3.5 grams on a hand scale means that the weight being measured is 3.5 grams, as indicated by the scale. Make sure to calibrate the scale properly and use it on a stable surface for accurate measurements.

A student measured the mass of a small object and found it to be 56.0 grams The object's mass is known to be 55.0 grams What is the percent of error in the student's measurement?

The percent error in the student's measurement is calculated as |(measured value - actual value) / actual value| x 100. Plugging in the values, we get |(56.0g - 55.0g) / 55.0g| x 100 = 1.82%. This means the student's measurement is 1.82% higher than the actual value.

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