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Sure, as long as the object is moving at a constant speed.

And by the way ... It's easy to draw a speed/time graph, but

I'm pretty sure it's not possible to draw a velocity/time one.

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Q: Can a velocity time graph be parallel to time axis?
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How Can you tell from a velocity-time graph that the velocity is constant?

velocity is nothing but speed of a body in the given direction. suppose if body is moving with constant velocity then VT graph will be parallel to the X -axis, if not then the VT graph is not parallel to the X-axis it means then object is moving with different velocity or it has its dierection or both velocity and aswell as direction.

How do you go from a position graph to a velocity graph?

To go from a position graph to a velocity graph, you can calculate the slope of the position graph at each point. The slope at any given point on a position vs. time graph represents the velocity at that specific time. Therefore, the velocity graph would be a plot of the slopes at each point on the position graph.

Calculate distance from a velocity time graph?

To calculate distance from a velocity-time graph, you would find the area under the curve, as this represents the displacement or distance traveled. If the graph is above the time axis, calculate the area above the time axis, and if it dips below, calculate the area below the time axis. Summing these two areas will give you the total distance traveled.

What is position - time graph?

A position-time graph shows the relationship between an object's position and time. The position of the object is typically plotted on the y-axis, while time is on the x-axis. The slope of the graph represents the object's velocity, with a steeper slope indicating a higher velocity.

Will the graph of instantaneous velocity versus time have a Y-axis intercept of zero?

Not necessarily. The graph of instantaneous velocity versus time may or may not have a Y-axis intercept of zero. It depends on the initial conditions and motion of the object. If the object starts from rest, then the initial velocity is zero, and the graph will have a Y-axis intercept at zero.

Related questions

What does a zero velocity graph look like?

In a velocity-time graph it will be the time axis (where velocity = 0). On a distance-time graph it will be a line parallel to the time axis: distance = some constant (which may be 0).

What would be the acceleration of a body if its velocity time graph is a line parallel to the time axis?

If the velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, it means the velocity is constant. The acceleration would be 0 because there is no change in velocity over time.

If an objects velocity time graph is a straight line parallel to the taxis what can you conclude about the objects acceleration?

If an object's velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, then the object's acceleration is zero. This means that the object is moving at a constant velocity.

How Can you tell from a velocity-time graph that the velocity is constant?

velocity is nothing but speed of a body in the given direction. suppose if body is moving with constant velocity then VT graph will be parallel to the X -axis, if not then the VT graph is not parallel to the X-axis it means then object is moving with different velocity or it has its dierection or both velocity and aswell as direction.

What can you say about the motion of an object if it's speed time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis?

That the object is moving at a constant velocity

How do you go from a position graph to a velocity graph?

To go from a position graph to a velocity graph, you can calculate the slope of the position graph at each point. The slope at any given point on a position vs. time graph represents the velocity at that specific time. Therefore, the velocity graph would be a plot of the slopes at each point on the position graph.

How are the axis labeled in a graph of acceleration?

The x-axis is time and the y-axis is velocity.

What is V - t graph?

It is a velocity-time graph in which time is plotted along the horizontal axis and the velocity of an object in a selected direction is plotted along the vertical axis.

How do you tell form a distance-time graph when an object is at rest?

The graph is parallel to the time axis, normally the horizontal axis.

Calculate distance from a velocity time graph?

To calculate distance from a velocity-time graph, you would find the area under the curve, as this represents the displacement or distance traveled. If the graph is above the time axis, calculate the area above the time axis, and if it dips below, calculate the area below the time axis. Summing these two areas will give you the total distance traveled.

What is the value of acceleration if v-t graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis?

The problem is that a so-called "velocity-time" graph is really a "speed-time" graph.A complete description of "velocity" at any point in time includes speed and direction,but the graph can only show speed, that is, the magnitudeof velocity, vs. time, butit can't show the direction of the motion. If the direction changes with time, thenthat constitutes acceleration, but we can't discern it from the graph.If the "v-t" graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, then we know the speed,and therefore the magnitude of velocity, is not changing. If we also know from someother source that the motion is in a straight line, then we may say that the accelerationis zero. But if we have no other information in addition to the graph, we can't reach afull conclusion regarding the acceleration.

When d-t graph is parallel to time axis what can you say about the motion?

For that period of time, d(t) (the distance) is not changing so the motion is zero velocity.