To convert gallons to cubic meters, multiply the number of gallons by 0.00378541. This is because 1 gallon is equal to approximately 0.00378541 cubic meters.
To convert standard cubic meters to liters, you can multiply by 1000. This is because there are 1000 liters in one cubic meter. So, if you have 1 standard cubic meter, it is equivalent to 1000 liters.
To convert cubic meters to liters, you would multiply the cubic meter value by 1000. This is because 1 cubic meter is equal to 1000 liters.
To convert cubic meters to liters, you can multiply the number of cubic meters by 1000. This is because 1 cubic meter is equivalent to 1000 liters.
To convert gallons per foot to cubic meters per meter, you need to know the conversion factors: 1 gallon = 0.00378541 cubic meters and 1 foot = 0.3048 meters. So, you can multiply the gallons per foot value by 0.00378541/0.3048 = 0.01242 to get cubic meters per meter.
To convert gallons to cubic meters, multiply the number of gallons by 0.00378541. This is because 1 gallon is equal to approximately 0.00378541 cubic meters.
Please clarify what you want to convert that to. A liter is a unit of volume; you can convert that to other units of volume. For example, to convert to cubic meter, divide by 1000; to convert to cubic centimeters, multiply by 1000.
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
1 US gallon = 0.00378541178 cubic meter
One cubic meter is equal to 219.96925 Imperial gallons.
How to convert mmbtu to cubic meter
You can't convert that.
1 US liquid gallon = 0.004 cubic meter
1 cubic meter = 264.17 US fluid gallons
1 cubic meter = 1 kilolitre
Use conversion factor: 1 gallon = 0.003785 cubic meter by ratio and proportion, 1 gallon / 0.003785 cubic meter = x / 1 cubic meter therefore x = 264.2 gallons
There are 0.003785 cubic meters in one gallon of water.