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One nautical mile equates to 1.852 km

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One sea mile is equivalent to approximately 1.852 kilometers.

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Q: Convert one sea mile into kilometer?
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How much does sea water weigh per cubic kilometer?

I once had a book about the ocean that claimed that there was 38 pounds of gold in one cubic mile of seawater. You could figure 1 cubic kilometer from here but you are still left with the validity of the claim of the book and even worse, my memory of that book. Still, something to play with.

Which is greater a nautical mile or a mile?

A nautical mile (NM) is the distance, of one minute (60 minutes = one degree) of latitude along the Prime Meridian passing through Greenwich, England. Ships at sea used sextants and the stars to determine latitude, so it was easy to measure distance using a unit based on latitude.The statute mile is so named because it was standardized by an act of Parliament in 1593, i.e., a statute. It is also called a surveyors mile, or more commonly, mile. The mile is based on the old Roman unit of distance, the mil (meaning thousand) that was equal to one thousand paces (two steps). Stones were placed every mil along roads to indicate the distance to Rome, thus the term milestones, and the saying "All roads lead to Rome."1 Nautical mile = 1.15 statute miles

How many degrees of latitude equals 1 sea mile?

1 nautical mile is equivalent to one minute of latitude, which corresponds to one sixtieth of a degree of latitude.

What does a mile above sea level mean?

A mile above sea level means that the point is located 5,280 feet (or approximately 1,609 meters) higher than sea level. This measurement is used to indicate altitude or elevation, typically in relation to mountain peaks or other landmarks.

How many feet in a nautical mile?

There are 6,076 feet in a nautical mile.

Related questions

1 km is how many sea mile?

A sea mile is also called a nautical mile. 1 Kilometer = 0.539956803455724 Nautical Miles

How far above sea level is mile high stadium?

Mile High Stadium is one mile above sea level

How many kl in one sea mile?

1 Nautical Mile = 1.852 Kilometers

Why is milehigh stadium called mile high stadium?

Mile High Stadium is called so because it's in Denver. Denver is nicked named that because its elevation is exactly one-mile above sea level, thus a mile high.

How many ft is one mile above sea level?

1 mile = 5280 feet

What was the Titanic never reached?

one mile below the sea

What cities are one mile above sea level?


Is Denver Colorado above sea level?

Type your answer here... Yes. The steps to the Denver capital building are exactly 5,280 feet. which is equal to one mile. Which is why Denver is refered to as the mile high city. Because we are exactly 1 mile above sea level.


Denver, Colorado, is one mile above sea level.

What is Colorado's mile high capital?

Denver is the capital city in Colorado. Denver's elevation is 5280 feet above sea level. It is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its elevation is exactly one mile above sea level.

What is colorados absolute location?

One mile above sea level

What Country is a mile above sea level?

There are many countries with areas that are located a mile above sea level. In the US, there are cities in Colorado that are located one mile above sea level including Denver. Nepal, Pakistan, and India also have regions at this height.