There are 6,076.1 feet in one nautical mile.
a Nautical Mile is 6000 feet, regardless whether it is at either pole or the equator.
There are 5,280 feet in one mile. To convert 10,000 feet to miles, you would divide by 5,280, which equals approximately 1.89 miles.
There are approximately 1852 meters in a nautical mile.
A mile is a unit of length, most commonly 5,280 feet (1,760 yards, or about 1,609 metres). The mile of 5,280 feet is sometimes called the statute mile or land mile to distinguish it from the nautical mile (1,852 metres, about 6,076.1 feet). There have also been many historical miles and similar units in other systems that may be translated as miles in English; they have varied in length between one and fifteen kilometres.
There are 6,082 feet in one nautical mile !
1 nautical mile = 6,000
1 Nautical Mile(s) = 6,076.1154855643 Feet
Nautical mile = 6080 feet Statute mile = 5280 feet Difference = 800 feet.
5280 feet in one Statute Mile 6080 feet in UK Nautical Mile 6076.12 feet in one Intl Nautical Mile
6,076.12 feet per nautical mile.
1 nautical mile is 6,076.12 feet.
6076.11549 ft Because a nautical mile is defined as 1852 metres a hour sumbit?
1 nautical mile (international) is 6,076 feet.
6,076.12 feet in one nautical mile.
1 nautical mile=6,076.11549 feet
182.2835 feet.