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The difference between AC and DC has to do with the direction in which the electrons flow.

In DC, the electrons flow steadily in a single direction ("forwards").

In AC, electrons keep switching directions, sometimes going "forwards" and then going "backwards."

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16y ago
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4mo ago

The output equation of a DC machine in terms of its main dimensions is typically given by:

Output power = (ɸNZP)/60

where: ɸ is the flux per pole in webers, N is the speed of the machine in revolutions per minute, Z is the total number of armature conductors, P is the number of poles.

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15y ago

he difference between AC and DC is that AC is an alternating current (the amount of electrons) that flows in both directions and DC is direct current that flows in only one direction; the product that is flowing being electrons. AC power is what fuels our homes. The wires outside of our house are connected at two ends to AC generators. DC is found in batteries and solar cells. Both AC and DC employ magnets to repel electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that are one of 3 components that make up an atom. Negative charges will repel negative charges and positive charges will repel positive charges, so one only needs to introduce a negatively charged item next to electrons to force them to move in the opposite direction. Likewise, you can attract electrons by introducing something that is positively charged into their environment drawing the electrons to it. This property of electrons is what allows for AC power to work; that is, they switch directions constantly. The picture to the left is a demonstration of AC power at work. The constant switching of directions is evident in the dotted appearance of the light lines. DC power was invented by Thomas Edison and first used to power our homes in the late 1800's. Its main drawback being that in order to receive DC power from a generating station, your home had to be located within a one mile radius of the station. DC power degrades as it moves away from its generating source; the further away, the less power. In addition, it is difficult to convert very high power DC current into the lower power current needed in our homes. Nikola Tesla discovered AC and sold his design to Westinghouse. AC power degrades very little over 100's of kilometers. When the power reaches an electrical pole outside our homes, a transformer converts to high voltage (the amount of energy carried with the electrons) to the low voltage needed to fuel our appliances. To convert AC to DC, a device needs an item called a rectifier. Many monorail systems use DC power. In addition, if you have a portable stereo, you may notice a button on the back that can switch from AC to DC; this means that you can power your device by plugging it in (AC) or by using batteries (DC).

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8y ago

The most striking difference between an AC and a DC motor is the commutation process which is a part of DC motors.

  • The DC quantity that you supply to a brushed DC motorgets converted into alternating quantity in the armature circuitry by the help of the Commutator and brush assembly. In case of a brushless DC motor, this takes place in the inherent driving circuit. (Commutation is periodically reversal of the current direction between the rotor/armature and the external circuit).
  • In an AC motor, the inversion/conversion of quantities (commutation) is not required/done.
  • There are lots of other constructional differences (please consult a standard text book as a detailed coverage here will be difficult) among different kinds of AC and DC motors. Although all of the machines work invariably on the principle of Faraday's law of EMI.
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12y ago

yes if it is a series motor

no if its a shunt motor

most small power tools have dc motors

the difference being the field windings have laminated iron cores

sometimes called universal motors

they run cooler on dc

they have more torque on dc

the field poles dont have to be reversed 60 times every second

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12y ago

Hai, According to me, dc motor will not rotate if it is connected to ac supply. The Dc motor is designed in such a way that it should reach constant signal. If ac i.e., alternating signal is applied, for the first half cycle if say it tries to rotate in clockwise direction, in the second half cycle it will try to rotate in opposite direction, obviously resulting the DC motor in still position..

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12y ago

a dc machine is an electromechanical conversion device

dc machines are of two types basically. they are dc generators and dc motors. dc generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and it works on flemmings right hand rule(frr).while a dc motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and it works on flemmings left hand rule(flr)

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12y ago

An induction motor is, at its core, an inductor. When you present DC to an inductor, current increases linearly (proportional to inductance over time) until the limits of the power supply or the inductor are reached. Many times, that results in damage of one sort or another.

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8y ago

D.C motor works on direct current. and by changing its polarity we can change the direction of motor shaft. where in A.C motor this all not happening it and it works on alternative current


Alternating, not "alternative" current. Some types of AC motor can be reversed by reversing the relative polarities of windings.

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15y ago

we know that "power developed by the armature" is equal to

(total magnetic loading) * (total electric loading) * (speed in rps)

=>( Bav * 3.14 * D*L) * (q * 3.14 D) * (N / 60) * 10-3 KW

= [(3.142/60) * Bav * q * 10-3 ] * (D2*L*N)

= (Co D2 L N) KW

the above equation is the output equation of DC machine in terms of its main dimensions..

where, Co = (3.142/60) * Bav * q * 10-3 which is known as output coefficient.

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Is the efficiency of a machine calculated by the ratio or by the product?

The efficiency of a machine is calculated by the ratio of useful output work to the input work, typically expressed as a percentage. This ratio helps determine how well a machine converts input energy into useful work output.

What do you need to know to calculate the mechanical advantage of a compound machine?

To calculate the mechanical advantage of a compound machine, you need to know the input force applied to the machine and the output force obtained from the machine. Additionally, you will need to understand how the individual simple machines within the compound machine are connected or arranged to determine the total mechanical advantage.

What is the output per hour of concrete breaker?

I am pretty sure that such machines come in different sizes, and therefore in different capacities. Consult the technical specifications of individual manufacturers if you want to know the output of a specific machine type.

What is the scientific definition of output?

Output in scientific terms refers to the result or product generated by a system or process. It can include data, material, energy, or any other measurable outcome that is produced as a consequence of an input. Output is typically analyzed to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of a given system.

What is a balancing equation?

A balanced equation in chemistry shows the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the reaction arrow. This is achieved by adjusting coefficients in front of chemical formulas to ensure that the law of conservation of mass is followed.

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Efficiency of a machine is a measure of how well it converts input energy into useful work output. It is calculated by dividing the useful work output by the total input energy, expressed as a percentage. An efficient machine will have a high percentage of energy converted into useful work.

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In a compound machine, the input force is the force applied to the machine, while the output force is the force exerted by the machine to do work. The relationship between input and output forces depends on the configuration of the machine. In general, the output force of a compound machine is the combined output forces of its individual parts, which may result in a mechanical advantage that allows the machine to perform work more easily.

How are the input and output force of the parts of a compound machine related?

In a compound machine, the input force is applied to the first machine and then becomes the output force for the next machine in the sequence. The output force of the first machine becomes the input force for the next machine, and so on. Therefore, the input and output forces of the parts of a compound machine are related as they are transferred from one machine to the next within the system.

Is a fax machine a input or output?

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The equation for ideal mechanical advantage is: Output force/input force, Or input distance/ output distance.

What is the describing of effect of the machine on output force?

The ratio of output force to input force for a machine is called its mechanical advantage.

If the input work on a machine is equal to its output work the machine has effciency?

If the input work equals the output work, the machine has 100% efficiency, meaning it is able to convert all the input work into useful output work without any losses. An efficient machine is desirable as it maximizes the output for a given input.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

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