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9mo ago

Yes, something thick typically has volume as volume is a measure of the three-dimensional space occupied by an object. Thickness contributes to the overall volume of an object.

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What is something one milliliter thick?

Nothing is and nothing can be. A millilitre is a measure of volume in 3-d space!

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What is an example of a sentence using the word volume?

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Something that is covered. By google eg The haze is like a thick blanket.

Are you thick or something?

no you are,LOSER

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When something is very rough and thick

What is the verb form of thick?

The verb of thick is thicken. As in "to thicken something".

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The amount of space something occupies is called?

The answer is the VOLUME

What does as thick as your finger mean?

It means that whatever it is is ... as thick as your finger is. This is a comparison to show you something's size.

What is something that is a volume of liter?

1,000 cc is the volume of a litre