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The largest recorded human feces was 26 inches long. However, the size of a bowel movement can vary greatly based on individual factors such as diet and health.

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Q: How big is the biggest jobby?
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What is a jobby jabber?

A Jobby Jabber is an poof.

What does a jobby mean?

A jobby in scottish slang is a poo, excrement . For example "I did a jobby in my pants", would mean, I have just pooped in my pants.

Where is jobby land?

Jobby land is where my imaginary friend live i can't tell you exactly where it is though

When is the Wayne Jobby film set to come out?

The first in a series of films based on the life and works of Wayne Jobby, entitled "Wayne Jobby: He is Better Than You" is set to come out in the summer of 2020. This late release is due to the large production budget (estimated to be over $500,000,000.00) and to the fact that no actor has been found suitable to portray Wayne Jobby, leading to a contract in which Wayne Jobby portrays Himself, his Young Self, His Arch Nemisis and His Love Interest in the film.

What do people do on the loo?

They take a massive jobby!!

What colour is a roll n jobby?

A Roll N Jobby originates from parts unknown. Can be of a Brown appearance sometimes with nuts, corn and other food particles encased. If after a tonic your Jobby maybe of watery black appearance. Jobby also gives off an aromatic smell which attracts Flies and dogs to your rectal area. I must admit it is an acquired taste but put on a little seasoning and it is worth eating through the boak.

What is the name of Sahrukh Khan's palace?

Mannat is the name of the place of Shah Rukh Khan. It is a very big mansion. The place is located in Mumbai in Maharashtra.

What is Wayne Jobbie's weak point?

NO, Wayne Jobby has no weakness

Is biggest a noun?

No, "biggest" is not a noun. It is the superlative form of the adjective "big."

Which is the biggest big cat?

A Siberian Tiger is the biggest big cat

What kind of adjective is biggest?

The adjective 'biggest' is the superlative form for the adjective 'big': big, bigger, biggest

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