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Firing from a hill Firing a projectile from an elevated position increases its range. If you know the initial velocity, you should be able to use the usual formulas for displacement (distance) in the horizontal and vertical directions to determine the initial vertical position.1 When you say the initial velocity is known, I assume that includes magnitude and direction. Since velocity is a vector, you should be able to calculate the vertical and horizontal components.2 If you know the horizontal velocity and the horizontal displacement (distance traveled), you should be able to calculate the time in flight. Once you determine the time in flight, you should be able to use that value in the formula for vertical displacement to determine the initial vertical displacement. Hint: The vertical displacement of the projectile when it hits the ground is zero (assuming you have selected the origin -- the axes of the plane in which the projectile is moving -- properly). ----------- 1. d = d0 + V0t + [1/2]at2, where d0 is the initial displacement, v0 is the initial velocity, and a is acceleration. For motion in the vertical direction, a = -g. For motion in the horizontal direction, a = 0 (for projectile problems). 2. Vx = Vcos(theta); Vy = Vsin(theta), where theta is the angle of elevation. Maximum range is achieved when theta = 45 degrees. At that angle, Vx = Vy.


PLEASE NOTE: formatting has been messed up in this so things that are supposed to be raised to a power, the number is not a superscript. This needs to be relooked at.

Maximum range is achieved when theta=45o only if the vertical displacement is zero (i.e. the projectile begins and ends at the same elevation). If launched from a certain height h, the angle for maximum range is given by

anglemax = 1/2 cos-1 [(gh)/(v^2 + gh)]

Returning to the problem, let h = launch height, R = horizontal distance from base of launch site to landing spot, V = launch speed, A = launch angle and T = time in air. The horizontal component of the launch velocity is constant since there is no acceleration in that direction. Therefore:

Vx = R/T

V cosA = R/T

Solving for T:

T = R/[V cosA]

Consider the vertical part of the problem. This solution is given for a projectile launched from an angle above the horizontal so that the initial vertical component of the velocity is positive when the acceleration due to gravity (g) is negative. Also assumed is that the launch position is above the landing position. Let the initial position be the origin.

d = do + viT + 1/2aT^2

-h = (V sinA)T - 1/2gT^2

Substituting for T:

(equation A) -h = [VR sinA ]/[V cosA] - [gR^2]/[2V^2 cos2A]

(equation B) h = -R [tanA] + [gR^2]/[2V^2cos2A]


If you want to find the launch angle for a given height and launch speed that gives the maximum range, multiply both sides of equation A by 2cos2(theta) and rearrange to get:

(g/v^2)R^2 - (2sinAcosA)R - 2hcos2A=0

Using these trig identities:

2sinAcosA = sin2A

cos2A = 1/2 [1 + cos2A]

the equation becomes:

(g/v^2)R^2 - (sin2A)R - h[1+cos2A] = 0

Solving for R using the quadratic formula:

R(A) = v^2/(2g)[sin2A + (sin22A + (8gh/v^2)cos2A)1/2]

Find the derivative of

R(A): R'(A)=v^2/(2g)[2cos2A+1/2(sin22A+(8gh/v^2)cos2A)-1/2(4sin2Acos2A+(8gh/v^2)(-2sinAcosA))]

Set this equal to zero to find angle (A) for maximum range (R).

Rearrange and use some trig identities to get:

1/(cos22A) - v^2/(gh)(1/cos2A) - (1+v^2/(gh))=0

Use the quadratic formula to solve for 1/(cos2A):

1/(cos2A) = (1/2)[v^2/(gh) + (v^4/(g^2h^2)+4(1+v^2/(gh)))1/2] 1/(cos2A) = v^2/(gh) + 1

A = 1/2cos-1[(gh)/(v^2+gh)]

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t = time

vx = velocity in x direction

vy = velocity in y direction

v0x = initial velocity in x direction

v0y = initail velocity in y direction

v0 = initail velocity

a = acceleration

Numbers are in meters and seconds

The projectile was launched horizontally, so we know that at t = 0, vx = v0 and vy = 0. The speed in the x direction will not change during the flight; it is equal to the initial velocity.

The particle will accelerate in the y direction due to gravity. First find how long the particle takes to reach the ground, and then find out how far it traveled in the x direction during that time.

Let's go through an example problem. Say that the projectile was launched horizontally at a speed of 200 m/s and it will fall 20 meters. How far will it travel horizontally?

First we need to know how it takes the projectile to reach the ground. We can use the equation v2 = v02+2ay to find out how fast the projectile is going in the y direction when it hits the ground. a is 9.8, which is acceleration due to gravity. It is positive here because in this example we are taking the speed at the end to be positive. v0 is 0 because the projectile is not moving in the y direction at time t = 0:

v2 = 2(9.8)(20), so v = 19.80 m/s

We can then use the equation v = v0+at to find out how long it took the projectile to reach the ground (you could say that v and a are both negative, you will get the same result):

19.80 = 0 + (9.8)(t), so t = 2.02 s

Now we need to find out how far the projectile traveled in the x direction in 2.02 seconds. The speed in the x direction is 200 m/s, so multiply that by the time:

(200)(2.02) = 404 m

The projectile in this example traveled 404 meters horizontally.

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Only the vertical component of motion determines how long a projectile is in the air. The equation to use is y = 1/2gt2, where y is vertical displacement in meters in a downward direction (negative), g is acceleration due to gravity, -9.8m/s2, and t is time in seconds. To solve this equation for time, do the following:

t2 = 2y/g

t = √(2y/g)

* Because both y and g are negative, when they are divided, the result is positive.

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Why projectile angle increase when projectile range also increase?

As the range of a projectile increases, the angle at which it is launched must also increase to compensate for the increased horizontal distance traveled. This is because a higher launch angle allows the projectile to spend more time in the air, allowing gravity to act upon it for a longer duration and help it cover the greater distance.

How far below an initial straight line path will a projectile fall in one second?

Assuming the projectile is launched horizontally, the distance it falls below an initial straight line path in one second can be calculated using the formula for free fall: d = 0.5 * g * t^2, where d is the distance, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time (1 second in this case). Plugging in the values for g (9.81 m/s^2) and t (1 second) will give you the distance the projectile falls below the straight line path in one second.

When is projectile considered a free fall?

A projectile is considered to be in free fall when the only force acting on it is gravity. This means that the object is not being propelled or pushed by any external forces, and it is only subject to the force of gravity causing it to accelerate downward.

True or false Independent of initial velocity a projectile will always fall back to the surface of the planet it is launched from?

True, at relatively low speeds, if the projectile was launched at maybe the speed of light, improbable as it is, this may give it enough momentum to carry on past the point were the planet's gravity has a large effect on its motion and therefore carry on moving away from the planet until stopped by another force, however, even if the initial velocity of the projectile is the same as that planets escape velocity (the speed it needs to travel at to leve the planet) this speed is not constant and the projectile will feel a very large force from the gravity of the planet and hence be brought back down to its surface

What is the range of a projectile launched from a height of 60m with maximum height 44.1m which reaches 76 m from the base?

The range of the projectile is the horizontal distance it travels. Since the projectile reaches 76m from the base and was launched from a height of 60m, the horizontal range is 76m - 60m = 16m. The range of the projectile is 16m.

Related questions

What is the formula for a horizontal launched projectile?

The formula for the horizontal distance traveled by a horizontally launched projectile is: range = initial velocity * time. This formula assumes that there is no air resistance and that the projectile is launched horizontally.

What do need to know to determine how far projectile travels horizontally?

To determine how far a projectile travels horizontally, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. Using these values, you can calculate the horizontal distance traveled using the projectile motion equations.

What do you need to know to be able to determine how far a projectile travels horizontally?

To determine how far a projectile travels horizontally, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. Using these values, you can calculate the time of flight and then multiply it by the horizontal component of the initial velocity to find the horizontal distance traveled.

What do you need to know to determine how far a projectile travels horizontally?

To determine how far a projectile travels horizontally, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it is launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. The horizontal range of the projectile can be calculated using the formula: range = (initial velocity squared * sin(2*launch angle)) / acceleration due to gravity.

What do you you need to know to determine how far a projectile travels horizontally?

initial velocity, angle of launch, height above ground When a projectile is launched you can calculate how far it travels horizontally if you know the height above ground it was launched from, initial velocity and the angle it was launched at. 1) Determine how long it will be in the air based on how far it has to fall (this is why you need the height above ground). 2) Use your initial velocity to determine the horizontal component of velocity 3) distance travelled horizontally = time in air (part 1) x horizontal velocity (part 2)

What are the three cases of projectile motion?

The three cases of projectile motion are when the object is launched horizontally, launched at an angle, or thrown vertically. Each case follows the same principles of motion but with variations in the initial velocity and angle of launch.

What kind of curve does a projectile make?

A projectile makes a curved path known as a parabolic curve when launched horizontally or at an angle. This curve is a result of the combined effects of gravity and the horizontal velocity of the projectile.

What do you need to determine the time that a projectile is in motion?

To determine the time a projectile is in motion, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it is launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. Using these parameters, you can calculate the time of flight using projectile motion equations.

What factors affect the motion of a projectile launched harizontally?

The factors affecting the motion of a projectile launched horizontally include the initial velocity of the projectile, the gravitational acceleration acting downward, and the absence of air resistance. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to follow a curved path.

What is the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile?

The horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is determined by the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the time of flight. It can be calculated using the equation: horizontal distance = (initial velocity * time * cosine of launch angle).

How does a basic catapult work?

A basic catapult works by using tension in an elastic material, typically a rope or spring, to store potential energy. When the tension is released, the stored energy is transferred to the projectile, propelling it forward. The angle at which the projectile is launched and the force applied determine the distance and trajectory of the projectile.

What is a path a projectile makes?

A projectile follows a curved path called a parabola when it is launched horizontally or at an angle in the air. This path is a result of the combination of the projectile's initial velocity and the force of gravity acting on it. The shape of the path may vary depending on the launch angle and velocity of the projectile.