The number 107062.03 with 3 significant figures would be 107,000.
In the number 0.0023040, all the digits except for zero are considered significant. Zeros that are sandwiched between non-zero digits are also considered significant, so all the zeroes in this number are significant. Therefore, 0.0023040 grams has 7 significant figures, not 5.
Six (I am assuming the period is a decimal divider) otherwise you would not write out trailing zeros.
You can lift a 20 kg weight over your head ten times before getting tired (20 kg, 10 times). This answer is accurate to two significant figures.
In general, the rules for significant figures are: Non-zero digits are always significant. Zeros between non-zero digits are significant. Leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit) are not significant. Trailing zeros in a number with a decimal point are significant; without a decimal point, they may or may not be significant.
The number 107062.03 with 3 significant figures would be 107,000.
Five. If you write numbers representing the numbers in a calculation or an answer, then the number of significant figures is the number of figures written down. The number of significant figures in 351.739002 is 9; Don't confuse "significant figures" with "decimal places". The number above has 6 decimal places.
If you have written a number such as 111.1 to 3 significant figures, for example, (which would be 111) then we would write "111 (to 3 s.f.)".
86.346 +54.43 9.5 _______ 150.276 Now after we round the number and write it in significant figures , so it should look like this; 150 why? because when we need to round a number using the significant figures , we must look for the smallest significant figures which is 9.5 .
7.428571429 significant figures as needed
to report an answer with the correct number of significant figures, you may need to write significant zeros after the calculator number.
0.00431209461 with four significant figures is 0.004312
132.7495 in two significant figures is 130.
1094.11 in 3 significant figures is 1090
4 is a whole number and can never be a decimal.
0.081778 to two significant figures is 0.082
1,025,707.7 in 3 significant figures is written as: 1,030,000