To convert the weight of a pail into kilograms, you would need to know the weight in pounds or another unit of measurement. Then, you can use the conversion factor that 1 pound is equal to 0.453592 kilograms to convert the weight into kilograms. Simply multiply the weight in pounds by 0.453592 to get the weight in kilograms.
The weight of a 3-gallon pail depends on its contents. The weight of water would be approximately 27 kg, as 1 gallon of water weighs about 3.78 kg. However, if the pail contains a different substance, the weight will vary.
A kilogram is a measure of weight. A gallon is a measure of liquid volume. You cannot convert one to the other. You can, however, convert gallons to liters. 9 gallons is equal to 34.06871 liters. Actually a kilogram is a measure of mass. A kilogram at sea-level weighs 9.8 Newtons. Also at sea level a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 pounds.
To convert all units to the same measurement, we first convert the 2 pounds to ounces by multiplying by 16 (since 1 pound = 16 ounces). Then, we add the 32 ounces and the converted pounds to get the total weight in ounces. Finally, we convert the 1 kilogram to ounces by multiplying by 35.274 (since 1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces) and add that to the total weight in ounces to get the final answer.
To convert pounds to kilograms, the factor used is 0.453592. You multiply the weight in pounds by this conversion factor to get the equivalent weight in kilograms.
Technically, you don't. "Kilogram" is a unit of mass, which is a property of an object and doesn't change, whereas "pound" is a unit of the object's weight, which changes from place to place. On Earth, 1 kilogram of mass weighs 2.205 pounds. In other places, it has a different weight.
Kilogram is a unit of mass, not of weight. That would be the approximate mass of a pail of water.
The weight of a 3-gallon pail depends on its contents. The weight of water would be approximately 27 kg, as 1 gallon of water weighs about 3.78 kg. However, if the pail contains a different substance, the weight will vary.
This is no a possible conversion, because you can not convert a factor of distance (metre) to a weight (kilogram)
To convert grams to kilograms, you need to divide the weight in grams by 1000. This is because there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram.
you dont. kilogram is a measure of weight and meter is a measure of distance
Two pounds is not one kilogram. One kilogram is actually equal to 2.2 pounds. To convert weight from pounds to kilograms, divide weight by 2.2 and the answer is the weight in kilograms.
Half a kilogram is about 0.0787 stone. To convert kilograms to stones, you divide the weight in kilograms by 6.35.
The weight of a pail of water will depend on the volume of water it can hold. On average, water weighs about 8.34 pounds per gallon, so you can calculate the weight of the water by measuring the volume of water in the pail and multiplying it by the weight per gallon.
You are trying to convert weight to mass. There is not nearly enough information.
1 kilogram = 2.2046226218 pounds But the related link below will do weight conversions for you.
Are you asking if you can convert 1 kilogram of gasoline to 3 centameters? I don't think you can convert weight into length, can you? Please be more detailed.