This is no a possible conversion, because you can not convert a factor of distance (metre) to a weight (kilogram)
Kilogram per cubic meter is the one that doesn't belong. Square meter is meter^2 and cubic meter is meter^3 but kilogram per cubic meter is a density
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
You can't convert that.
Impossible!!! Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!
A unit of length (the centimeter) does not convert to a unit of volume (the cubic meter). Length is not volume.
You can't convert just Kgs. to cubic metres. A kilogram is a measure of weight while a cubic meter is a measure of size.
Kilogram per cubic meter is the one that doesn't belong. Square meter is meter^2 and cubic meter is meter^3 but kilogram per cubic meter is a density
You are trying to convert weight to mass. There is not nearly enough information.
That's the same as converting cubic meter to kilograms. You can't do it, unless you know the density of the specific substance you are working with.
The medium density should given to convert from mass (kilogram) to volume (1 cubic meters). Assuming water of 1000 kg/cubic meter, than 1 cubic meter would contain 1000 kilograms,
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
Mass: kilogram, length: meter, volume: cubic meter, density: kilogram / cubic meter, temperature: celcius or kelvin.
This question cannot be answered sensibly. A kilogram cubic metre is a measure with dimensions [ML3]. A kilogram square metre has dimensions [ML2]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
These are all easy to find in your book: Length . . . . . . . Meter Mass . . . . . . . . . Kilogram Volume . . . . . . . Cubic Meter (* Liter is 1/1000th m3, or one dm3) Density . . . . . . . Kilogram per cubic meter Time .. . . . . . . . . Second Temperature . . . Kelvin or Celsius degree (same size)
How to convert mmbtu to cubic meter
You can't convert that.
A cubic meter is one thousand liters. It is designed to relate to the weight of water, so one liter weighs one kilogram. A cubic meter of water weighs one thousand kilos, or one metric ton.