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First of all you should inter your data( dependent and independent variable) in the two column of a spread sheet in Microsoft EXCEL, then drag them and go to chart wizard if you access to excel 2003 and insert scatter in Excel 2007 or vista. now you have the scatter X Y put your pointer on one of your data point then do right click and select Add trend line inExcel 2007 and vista in this point you can select in options display equation on chart and select display r square on chart . that's all.

you may test it with these data: XY340006400030000620003400062000390005900042000500003200053000260005000026000500003100053000350005500043000580004800068000

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1mo ago

To perform the Method of Least Squares or Linear Regression, you need to choose a linear model that describes the relationship between the variables, calculate the residuals (the differences between the observed and predicted values), square the residuals, sum them up, and then adjust the parameters of the model to minimize the sum of squared residuals. This is typically done using computational methods like gradient descent or matrix algebra.

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What is the formula of scatter graph method?

I believe it is linear regression.

Is the line of best fit the same as linear regression?

Linear Regression is a method to generate a "Line of Best fit" yes you can use it, but it depends on the data as to accuracy, standard deviation, etc. there are other types of regression like polynomial regression.

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In estimating a linear relationship using ordinary least squares (OLS), the regression estimates are such that the sums of squares of the residuals are minimised. This method treats all residuals as being as important as others.There may be reasons why the treatment of all residuals in the same way may not be appropriate. One possibility is that there is reason to believe that there is a systematic trend in the size of the error term (residual). One way to compensate for such heteroscedasticity is to give less weight to the residual when the residual is expected to be larger. So, in the regression calculations, rather than minimise the sum of squares of the residuals, what is minimised is their weighted sum of squares.

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The linear regression algorithm offers a linear connection between an independent and dependent variable for predicting the outcome of future actions. It is a statistical method used in machine learning and data science forecast analysis. For more information, Pls visit the 1stepgrow website

Why are there two regression lines?

There are two regression lines if there are two variables - one line for the regression of the first variable on the second and another line for the regression of the second variable on the first. If there are n variables you can have n*(n-1) regression lines. With the least squares method, the first of two line focuses on the vertical distance between the points and the regression line whereas the second focuses on the horizontal distances.

Is the high-low method less accurate than the least-squares regression method for analyzing the behavior of mixed cost?

The fact that the high-low method uses only two data points is a major defect of the method.

How do you calculate a straight line in statistics?

The method used to calculated the best straight line through a set of data is called linear regression. It is also called the least squares method. I've included two links. I know the wikipedia link is a bit complicated. The slope and intercept are calculated based on "minimum least squares." If I draw a line through the set if points, for every x value in the data set I will have a y value and a predicted y value (y-hat) based on the straight line. The error (E) is this case is the predicted y minus the actual y. Linear regression finds the slope and intercept of the equation that minimizes the sum of the square of the errors. Mathematically this is stated as: Min z = sum (yi - y-hat)^2 To hand calculate a linear regression line wold take some time. The second link that I've included shows how to calculated this using excel.

What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of least square method?

The disadvantages are that the calculations required are not simple and that the method assumes that the same linear relationship is applicable across the whole data range. And these are the disadvantages of the least squares method.

What regression method would be used when there is more than one independent variable?

multivariate regression

What is another name for regression method?

time series

Is the regression equation a mathematical equation that defines the relationship between two variables?

No. It is an estimated equation that defines the best linear relationship between two variables (or their transforms). If the two variables, x and y were the coordinates of a circle, for example, any method for calculating the regression equation would fail hopelessly.

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"Least Cubic Method" Also called "Generalized the Least Square Method", is new Method of data regression.