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You can separate water into oxygen and hydrogen by the process of electrolysis.

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1mo ago

In industrial electrolysis of water, hydrogen and oxygen gases can be safely separated by using separate collection chambers to prevent them from mixing. This is typically done by employing a membrane or a barrier between the two electrodes to keep the gases separated. Additionally, proper ventilation and control systems are in place to ensure that any buildup of gases is safely released to prevent explosion.

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Q: How do you separate hydrogen and oxygen gases without explosion in industrial electrolysis of water?
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What is electrolysis used to make?

Electrolysis is commonly used to produce pure elements from their compounds. It is used in various industrial processes to extract metals like aluminum, copper, and sodium from their ores. Additionally, electrolysis is used in the production of hydrogen and chlorine gas.

How do you separate Hydrogen and Oxygen gases in industrial electrolysis of water process?

In electrolysis, oxygen and hydrogen gas are produced at different electrodes (oxygen at the anode and hydrogen at the cathode). Since these electrodes do not have to be in close proximity, the hydrogen and oxygen will bubble upwards into separate collection vessels. If you needed to separate hydrogen and oxygen once mixed, the easiest way I can think of would be to cool the mixture to ~60K. At this point the oxygen would condense and leave hydrogen gas.

Can you separate hydrogen in the sodium chloride solution?

No, you cannot separate hydrogen from a sodium chloride solution by electrolysis because sodium chloride does not contain hydrogen in a form that can be readily separated through electrolysis. Sodium chloride solution will only undergo electrolysis to produce chlorine gas at the anode and sodium metal at the cathode.

What is used to separate hydrogen and oxygen?

Electrolysis is commonly used to separate hydrogen and oxygen. In this process, an electric current is passed through water, causing it to split into hydrogen and oxygen gases.

Can you take water and separate it into hydrogen and oxygen again?

Yes, with electrolysis.

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How do you separate Hydrogen and Oxygen from HHO hydroxygen or Brown gas?

The method of separation is electrolysis.

What is needed to change the state or form of H20?

Electrolysis can be used to separate H2O into hydrogen and oxygen.

How do you get hydrogen from water?

Hydrogen can be obtained from water through a process called electrolysis, which involves passing an electric current through water to separate it into hydrogen and oxygen gas. This process requires a source of electricity and typically uses electrodes to facilitate the reaction.

The process of passing electricity through water to chemically separate it into hydrogen and oxygen is call?

It is called electrolysis.

Hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules can be easily split by what?

Hydrogen and oxygen molecules can be easily split by electrolysis, which involves passing an electric current through water to separate it into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen gas.

How to separate hydrogen in water?

Hydrogen can be separated from water through a process called electrolysis. In this process, an electric current is passed through water, which causes the water molecules to split into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The hydrogen gas is then collected at one electrode, while oxygen gas is collected at the other electrode.