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Power (P), in Watts, is equal to the Voltage (V), in Volts, multiplied by the Current (I), in Amperes.


Using Algebra to solve for the Current (Amps) that are required:


Therefore: 2000 Watts / 12 Volts = ~167 Amps

Please note, that this is for a 100% efficient inverter. If the inverter is 90% efficient the actual draw would be:


167 Amps*(1+(1-(90/100)))=Iactual

167 A * (1+(1-0.9))=Iactual

167 A * (1+(0.1))=Iactual

167 A * (1.1)=Iactual

183 A = Iactual

The continuous current draw for a 90% efficient power inverter, operating from a 12V DC source, out putting 2000W at 120V AC, is 183 Amps.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Assuming no loss in the circuitry:

Amps * Volts = Watts

Amps * 12 = 400

Amps = 400 / 12

Amps = 33.33333...


inverts build heat, and that heat wastes electrical energy

Your inverter is probably drawing (at full load) somewhere near 40 amps.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

83.3333 Amps


The answer to this question, how many watts are drawn from the battery, is dependant upon what the amperage of the connected load is. A 1000W rated inverter is the maximum amount of connected wattage load that can be used from the inverter. W = A x V.

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โˆ™ 3mo ago

A 400W inverter on a 12V system would draw approximately 33.3 amps (400W รท 12V = 33.3A).

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A 5000-watt inverter on a 24 volt system draws approximately 208 amps (5000 watts / 24 volts = 208.33 amps). This calculation assumes 100% efficiency, so actual power draw may be slightly higher.

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To calculate the amperage, you would use the formula: Amps = Watts/Volts. In this case, it would be 400W / 220V = approximately 1.82 Amps.

Can a 240 watt 2.0amp dc-ac power inverter power a compact fridge?

Answer If, when you state "...240 watt 2.0amp..." you are indicating that 2 amps, or 240 watts at 120 volts, then that inverter will power a device which does NOT draw more than that amount of current. Check the plate or label on the compact fridge you want to power, and find the maximum current draw. For appliances, it will usually be stated in amps, rather than watts. If that amount is equal to or less than the output of your inverter, then it should work. Also, pay attention to the maximum current used by the appliance, versus the continuous output figure for the inverter, NOT the peak momentary output.

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amps like.. amplifiers? it depends on how many speakers you have. or amps like.. current draw? again. depends on your power needs, your power amps... ect

If a laptop is powered by twelve volts will a 150 watt inverter work?

Maybe, or maybe not. Depends upon the wattage or amperage draw. At 120 volts and 150 watts, you can draw about 1.2 amps. Probably not enough for a newer laptop, but may power an older one fine. A 300 or 600 watt inverter can be bought on eBay for about 30 bucks.

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It all depends upon what is "ON" at the time. A running vehicle with only the ignition system operating uses about 10-15 amps. Turn on the headlights and it will draw an additional 10 amps. With everything on, it can draw from 30-100 amps. Do you mean "what is the alternator rated at?" Your Jeep alternator would be normally rated at about 100 amps output.

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You will need a battery charger capable of providing up to75 amps at 12 volts DC. This is called a converter, not an inverter. An inverter takes 12 v and transforms it usually to 120v AC or 220v Ac. Keep in mind that your 1000 watt amp will not draw 100 amps only briefly at times if at all unless you are at maximum volume. You probably could get by with a 50 amp charger and a big capacitor to supply the boost for a few seconds.

How many amps does a 3 phases 600 volt 10 hp draw?

Assuming the power factor is 1, a 10 hp motor operating at 600 volts in a three-phase system would draw approximately 13.33 amps.

Can you power 100volt compressor with 400watt inverter?

It depends on the draw of the compressor.

Is a 24 volt inverter more effecient than a 12 volt inverter?

Generally, a 24-volt inverter can be more efficient than a 12-volt inverter because higher voltage systems allow for lower current draw, reducing resistive losses in the system. This can lead to improved efficiency and less strain on the components over time. However, the overall efficiency also depends on the quality and design of the inverter itself.

How many watt power inverter is required to run a 1hp 110v motor?

A 1hp motor consumes around 746 watts under normal operating conditions (assuming 100% efficiency). To run this motor, you would need an inverter with a continuous output capacity of at least 746 watts. It is recommended to choose an inverter with a higher wattage rating to account for start-up surges or inefficiencies.