There are 117.347765 Liters in 1 US barrel volume. And there are 1,000 Liters in one cubic meter.
So there are
0.117347765 cubic meters per barrel
0.177347765 m3/ bl
by dividing across liters per barrel by liters per cubic meter.
Note that the UK measures of 'barrels' are slightly different than the US measure of a barrel used here. There are also slight differences between 'dry' and 'wet' barrel volume measures in some industries, for example the 'wet' volume of 1 barrel in the petroleum industry is 0.158987304 cubic meters per barrel, or 42 US gallons.
There are approximately 219.97 Imperial gallons in a cubic meter of water.
There are 1,000 liters in a cubic meter of water, as 1 liter is equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters and there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in a cubic meter.
1 cubic meter = 219.969 Imperial liquid gallons
1 cubic meter of water is equivalent to 1000 liters.
There are 1000 liters of water in one cubic meter.
There are approximately 6.2898 barrels in a cubic meter.
There are 6.289811 barrels (petroluem) in 1 m3.
About five (4.803) 55-gallon barrels.
There are 264.2 US gallons in one cubic meter of water.
At room temp 1 cubic Meter of water weighs 1 Metric tonne
There are approximately 219.97 Imperial gallons in a cubic meter of water.
There are 1,000 liters in a cubic meter of water, as 1 liter is equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters and there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in a cubic meter.
There are approximately 1,000 barrels in 239 million cubic feet of water. Each barrel contains around 5.6 cubic feet.
There area 264.2 (US) gallons of water in one cubic meter of volume.
One cubic meter = 1,000 liters.
1 cubic meter = 219.969 Imperial liquid gallons
There are 219.969 Imperial gallons of water per cubic meter.