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There r 4 bonded

electrons in h2o and 4 unpaired electrons

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3mo ago

There are 4 bond pair electrons in H2O, consisting of two shared pairs of electrons between oxygen and each of the hydrogen atoms.

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Q: How many bond pair electrons in H2O?
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Does h2o contain a coordinate covalent bond?

Yes, in water (H2O), the oxygen atom forms a coordinate covalent bond with each hydrogen atom, as the oxygen donates a lone pair of electrons to form the bond.

When H plus forms a bond with H2O to form the hydronium ion H3O plus this bond is called a coordinate covelant bond because?

because the hydrogen ion (H+) donates both electrons to the oxygen atom in water (H2O) to form the hydronium ion (H3O+), resulting in a shared pair of electrons from just one atom. This type of bond is called a coordinate covalent bond because both electrons in the shared pair come from one atom.

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KCl does not contain a coordinate covalent bond as it is an ionic compound. HF, H2O, and F2 contain coordinate covalent bonds, where a shared pair of electrons comes from one atom (donor) to form the bond.

What Type Of Bond Does H2O Have?

H2O has a covalent bond. In a water molecule, the oxygen atom shares electrons with the two hydrogen atoms to form a stable bond.

What pair of atoms will share electrons when a bond is formed?

Atoms share electrons to form a bond in order to achieve a stable electron configuration. This typically occurs between atoms of different elements that have a tendency to gain or lose electrons to achieve a full outer energy level. For example, hydrogen and oxygen will share electrons to form a bond in a water molecule (H2O).

Is H2o covalent bond or ionic bond?

it is a polar covalent bond. Scince oxygen does not follow the octet rule(only 8 electrons, needs ten) and hydrogen has one electron, two hydrogen electrons plus eight oxygen electrons equal ten :)

Is H2O ionic or covolant bond?

H2O (water) has a covalent bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. In a covalent bond, the atoms share electrons to form a stable molecule.

Which molecules has one lone pair of electrons CH4 or h2o or hci or nh3?

nitrogen aton in NH3 has one lone pair of electron

What type of bond is H2O?

H2O (water) is a polar covalent bond. It is formed when two hydrogen atoms share their electrons with one oxygen atom, resulting in a molecule where the electrons are unevenly distributed, creating partial positive and negative charges.

In the compound H2O the electrons in the bonds are unequally shared between oxygen and hydrogen forming what?

In the compound H2O, the electrons in the bonds are unequally shared between oxygen and hydrogen, forming a polar covalent bond. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, causing it to pull the shared electrons closer to itself, creating partial negative and positive charges on each atom.

Is it a double covelent bond holding hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the H2O molecule?

No, the bond between hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule (H2O) is a single covalent bond, where the atoms share two electrons.

Is H2O nucleophile or electrophile?

H2O can act as a nucleophile (donating a lone pair of electrons in a reaction) or electrophile (accepting a lone pair of electrons in a reaction) depending on the specific chemical environment and reaction conditions. In general, it is more commonly considered a nucleophile due to its lone pairs of electrons.