period of revolution in Earth years for Mercury is 0.241 and Earth is 1.00. So 2.41 years in Mercury equalls 10 years in Earth.
Correction : Using the above figures (which seem about right) :
10 years on Earth equals 10/0.241 years for Mercury.
That's about 41.49 Mercury years.
20 years is equal to 7300 days. This is calculated by multiplying 20 years by the number of days in a year (365 days).
A year has about 365.25 days, so you can divide by that number.
A year is about 365.2422 days; you can multiply the number of years by this number.
Divide the answer by 365 because it is number of days in a year. 2,920 / 365 = 8 Years.
A year has approximately 365.25 days, so you can multiply the number of years by this number.
10 years = 3,652.4 days.
There are 3652 or 3653 days in ten years depending on the number of leap years in the ten year period. Similarly there are 5,258,880 minutes or 5,260,320 minutes.
roughly 1034
About 3650 (ten years)
ten months and 29 days
2135 / 365.25 (Gregorian days per year) = 5.861.. Not quite 6 years five years ten months and three weeks
how many days until the kid on the sims bustin out is ten years old ??
100,000 days, or almost 274 years. If you save ten cents a day how many days would if take to save a million cents?
If exactly 109 years old that is 10 x 365 days per year = 3650 days; add 2 days for leap year makes 3652 days
Depending on what year you start with, it could be 3652 or 3653 including leap years.
Ten years plus thirty days.Ten years plus thirty days.Ten years plus thirty days.Ten years plus thirty days.
Ten years, including 3 leap years (3,653 days), minus Two months (62 days), plus 6 days equals 3,653 - 62 + 6 = 3,597 days.