Nautical mile = 6080 feet
Statute mile = 5280 feet
Difference = 800 feet.
6076.115485564 ft(International nautical mile)
1 mile is 5280 feet. 1 kilometer is 3281 feet. You see the difference?
None, since there can be no conversion.A foot is a measure of length in 1-dimensional space while a min is a measure of time or of angular displacement. The two measure different characteristics and, according to the most basic principles of dimensional analysis, any attempt at comparisons or conversions between the two are fundamentally flawed.
Ask your teacher to explain again the difference between area and length...
how many feet are in 46 feet x60 feet
There are 792,000 feet in a statute mile and 911,400 feet in a nautical mile.
5280 feet in one Statute Mile 6080 feet in UK Nautical Mile 6076.12 feet in one Intl Nautical Mile
1,650 nautical miles is about 1,900 statute miles.
6,500 feet = 1.2311 statute miles (rounded)or 1.0698 nautical miles (rounded )
There are 5,280 feet in one mile. To convert 10,000 feet to miles, you would divide by 5,280, which equals approximately 1.89 miles.
50 statute miles equates to ~43.45 nautical miles.
01 mile is one mile. There are 5280 feet in one statute or ordinary mile. (There is another kind of mile called a nautical mile)
58 nautical miles is about 66.75 statute miles.
620 league (statute) = 1,616.3 nautical miles (international).
2,754 statute miles equals 2,393.118594 nautical miles
There are 6,076 feet in a nautical mile.
57.5389 miles.