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A 14 inch diameter pipe has cross sectional area 154 sq ins, so 1 foot length = 12 inches will have volume 1848 cubic inches.

1 US gallon = 3.8 liters = 3800 cubic centimeters(cc). 1 cubic inch = 16.39 cc. So 1 US gallon = 231.85 cubic inches. So 1 foot of pipe will contain 1848/231.85 = 7.97 gallons, say 8 gallons.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

To find the volume of water in the pipe, we need to calculate the volume of a cylinder. The formula is Volume = Ο€r^2h, where r is the radius (half the diameter) and h is the height (length of the pipe). The radius of a 4-inch pipe is 2 inches (1/6.947 feet), so the volume of water in the pipe is about 18.84 cubic feet. To convert cubic feet to gallons, multiply by 7.48, resulting in approximately 140.72 gallons of water in the pipe.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

To find the number of gallons in a foot of pipe of any diameter: Multiply the square of the diameter of the pipe in inches by .0408.

In this case 4^2 = 16 16*.0408=.6528 gallons per foot of pipe

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Since 15 inches is not a nominal pipe size it must be assumed that you are measuring the internal diameter of the pipe and the size of the outer wall can be ignored.

What you are seeking can be described as the volume of a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder is the value of pi times the radius of the pipe (one-half the diameter or 7.5 inches) squared times the length of the cylinder (12 inches). That calculation will give us a number of cubic inches.

A gallon of water takes up 231 cubic inches.

Pi times 7.5 squared is 176.72 square inches (this is the area of a circle, a pipe is just a whole lot of circles - 12 inches worth in this case)

176.72 square inches times 12 inches (the length) is 2,120.6475 Cubic inches.

2,120.6475 cubic inches divided by 231 cubic inches (the volume of a gallon of water) is 9.1803 gallons.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

assumption: 1.4 inch is the inside diameter of your pipe.

answer: Your total volume of water would be:

diameter: 1.4 inch/12 = 0.1166 feet

volume of water would be pi * (0.1166/2)^2 * 60 = 0.64 cubic feet

pi=3.141592..... (you just got to know pi to a certain number of digits)

now there are 7.48 gallons of water per cubic foot.

Therefore 0.64 cubic feet * 7.48 gallons /cubic foot = 4.79 gallons of water (in your pipe)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Assuming the 30 inches is the inside diameter, the volume is 2.5 cubic ft. 1 cubic foot will hold 7.481 gallons of water. 2.5 cu ft = 18.7025 gallons

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βˆ™ 9y ago

A 14-inch inside diameter pipe 120 feet long has a volume of 18,472.56 cubic feet or 138,184.34 gallons.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

About 78.3 gallons.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

37,601.19192 gallons

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βˆ™ 9y ago

117.5 US gallons.

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