apart from the person that answered this question, we all know that inches are measurement and a ton is weight, therefore the answer is none
The number of inches in a mile is greater than the number of ounces in a ton. There are 63,360 inches in a mile and 32,000 ounces in a ton.
There are 32,000 ounces in a ton.
There are 2,000 pounds in a ton.
A one ton cube of granite would be approximately 3.6 feet wide.
There are 1 million milliliters in a metric ton (1 ton = 1,000,000 mL).
A ton is a measure of weight or mass. An inch is a measure of length. One can not be converted to the other.
You have not said what substance you are using a ton of to cover the asphalt.
"A ton" can be taken in opinion. In some parts of the world, 1 inch would be thought of as a ton due to lack of rain in that area. In other areas, 80 inches could be though of as a ton, while 60 is not. This is up to opinion.
The number of inches in a mile is greater than the number of ounces in a ton. There are 63,360 inches in a mile and 32,000 ounces in a ton.
Based on sand and gravel calculator found on L.R. Faulk Construction Co. site, 1 ton of gravel (clean rock) will equal approximately 7.3 sq. ft x 6 inches deep, or 5.2 sq. ft x 3 inches deep. A ton of gravel will cover approximately 15 square yards (135 square feet) at 3 inches deep.
112 inches
59" inches wide
A ton is equal to 2,000 pounds.
Your question cannot be answered.Inches measure distance; tons measure weight.Distance and weight are two different and separate measurements.
well that depends because lost of things that are lots of sizes weigh so it depends on the size