The net torque on the system is zero because the meterstick is in equilibrium. The torque created by the 100g mass on one side is equal and opposite to the torque created by the 100g mass on the other side, preventing the meterstick from rotating.
No a meterstick is a tool used for measuring..mass, volume, time, length, and temperature are all metric units
Some words that start with "meter" include meterstick, metermaid, and meterpreter.
The smallest unit shown on a meterstick is usually 1 millimeter.
1 meter = 100 centimeters
A typical meterstick made of wood weighs around 75-100 grams.
1 meter = 100 cm
1 meter = 1,000 mm.
A yardstick is just a little longer than a meterstick.
the metric system is divisable by units OS ten which makes it simple to convert measurements in meters into other metric units
The net torque on the system is zero because the meterstick is in equilibrium. The torque created by the 100g mass on one side is equal and opposite to the torque created by the 100g mass on the other side, preventing the meterstick from rotating.
A Metrestick is 1 metre. 100 centimetres. 1000 milimetres. .001 kilometres.
To measure length
a millimeter