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A sidewalk is a thin ribbon of concrete, not meters. Even with this modification,

the question doesn't mention whether it seeks the length, width, or thickness

of the sidewalk, and each is a different number.

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13y ago
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8mo ago

Sidewalk widths vary but are typically between 1.2 to 2.4 meters wide.

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10y ago

Sidehawks are different sizes, different places, different bld codes, different applications. They can vary greatly, but the standard size where I live for residential is 36"s wide.

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12y ago

Minimum of 5' but it varies

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12y ago


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12y ago

8 feet

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Q: How many meters is a sidewalk?
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The word sidewalk has two syllables. The syllables are side-walk.

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I'd say that would depend on the size of the sidewalk.

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"Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein has 176 pages in the standard edition.

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Impossible to answer - without knowing the depth of the sidewalk !

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there are many, hopscotch, marbles, skipping

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sidewalk is abiotic

What does a sidewalk mean?

yes sidewalk is an American word.mean to say pavement. sidewalk:-pavement,root

If a sidewalk is 3 feet wide and 184 feet long how many expansion joints are needed?

The answer will depend on what material the sidewalk is made from and the maximum range in temperature.

At what age does riding a bicycle on the sidewalk become illegal?

This depends entirely on the nation, state/province, municipality, etc one resides in. In my home town, it's only illegal to operate a bicycle on a sidewalk "in a business district." While this definition remains unclear, I've heard it described as "if you see parking meters--get off the sidewalk!" Regardless of law, it is imperative to operate a bicycle in the manner that promotes your and others' safety. Often, that means the roadway; occasionally, that means the sidewalk.