To convert 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) to milliliters (ml), you can use the conversion factor that 1 fl oz is approximately equal to 29.5735 ml. So, 1 fl oz is roughly equivalent to 29.5735 ml.
In the US, 1 fl oz = 29.574 ml and so 12 fl oz = 12*29.574 = 355 ml, approx.
1 U.S ounce = 29.5735 mL
400 fluid ounces is equal to 11,834.82 milliliters.
59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)59 ml = 1.99502 fl oz(US)
Depending upon where you are: In UK: 28.4 ml ≈ 1 fl oz → 15 ml ≈ 15 ÷ 28.41 fl oz ≈ 0.53 fl oz In USA: 29.57 ml ≈ 1 fl oz → 15 ml ≈ 15 ÷ 29.57 fl oz ≈ 0.51 fl oz
One mL = about 0.0338 fluid ounces.
1 US fl. oz. equals 29.5735 ml (milliliter).
About 0.0338 fluid ounces in one mL
In Imperial measures: 1 fl oz ≈ 28.413 ml In US measures: 1fl oz ≈ 29.574 ml
1 ml = 0.0338134 fl oz
There are approximately 0.033814 fluid ounces (fl oz) in 1 milliliter (ml).
There are approximately 29.57 ml in 1 oz of water.
1 US fl oz is 29.5735mL
To convert 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) to milliliters (ml), you can use the conversion factor that 1 fl oz is approximately equal to 29.5735 ml. So, 1 fl oz is roughly equivalent to 29.5735 ml.
Based on your spelling of litre, I presume you want the UK fl oz: 28.41 ml ≈ 1 fl oz → 1500 ml ≈ 1500 / 28.41 fl oz ≈ 52.79 fl oz If you want the American 1500 milliliters converted to US fl oz, then: The conversion between mL and oz are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . 1 ml ≈ 0.0338 u.s oz . 1500 ml ≈ 1500 x 0.0338 u.s oz. ≈ 50.72 fl oz.
1 ml = 0.0338140227 fl oz 750 ml x 0.0338140227 = 25.360517025 fl oz