1 foot = 0.000189393939 miles5280 feet = 1.0000287792 miles
Square feet is a 2 dimensional unit of area. You cannot convert gallons, which is a three dimensional unit of volume to square feet. You can convert it to cubic feet using the conversion that 1 US gallon equals 0.133680556 cubic feet.
How many mil is 2.5 ounces
That is 'ml' NOT mil. There are 170 of them in 6 ounces
A mil being a thousandths of an inch, it is 0.0026 inches.
177 mil. to make 6 ounces
One mil equals 0.001 inch.
we must have our rate in the same units as our distance. there are 5280 feet per mile (5280 ft/mil). 30 mil/h * 5280 ft/mil gives 158400ft/h. This is our new rate. rate = distance / time 158400 = 75 / time time * 158400 = 75 time = 0.000473484848h if we convert this to min by multiplying by 60 we get 0.0284090909 min. to seconds 1.70454545secconds. pretty fast!
That really depends on what you mean by "Mil." Assuming you mean miligram, then your answer is one thousand.