1 US gallon = 0.833 Imperial gallons1 Imperial gallon = 1.2 US gallons
400 fluid ounces is 3.125 US gallons or 2.602 Imperial gallons.
1.5 Imperial gallons = 240 Imperial fluid ounces 1.5 US gallons = 192 US fluid ounces
1 gallon contains 128 ounces, so 1.32 gallons X 128 ounces = 169 ounces
There are approximately 439.25 fluid ounces in 13 liters.
1.25 U.S. gallons = 160 U.S. fluid ounces 1.00 Imperial gallons = 160 Imperial ounces Note that a U.S. fluid ounce is slightly larger than an Imperial fluid ounce.
640 Imperial fluid ounces = 4 Imperial gallons.
1 Imperial barrel equates to 43.23 US gallons.
20 fluid ounces = 1 pint 8 pints = 1 imperial gallon 1152 fluid ounces = 57 pints 12 fluid ounces 57 pints = 7 imperial gallons 1 pint therefore 1,152 fluid ounces is less than 8 imperial gallons.
That is about 0.52834375 gallons. ( In U.S. Gallons. ) U.S. Gallons are 128 fluid ounces while U.K. gallons or Imperial Gallons are about 160 fluid ounces.
1 US gallon = 0.833 Imperial gallons1 Imperial gallon = 1.2 US gallons
162 fluid ounces is US 1.27 gallons.
400 fluid ounces is 3.125 US gallons or 2.602 Imperial gallons.
19,000 gallons of water weighs about 158,650 pounds (@8.35 lbs/gallon).
1.5 Imperial gallons = 240 Imperial fluid ounces 1.5 US gallons = 192 US fluid ounces
1 gallon contains 128 ounces, so 1.32 gallons X 128 ounces = 169 ounces
45 US gallons is 5,760 US fluid ounces or 5995 Imperial ounces.