Since one US gallon is equal to 0.833 Imperial gallons, use this formula:US gallons x 0.833 = Imperial gallons264 x 0.833 = about 220 Imperial gallons
8 liters =2.113 US gallons1.760 imperial gallons
There are approximately 0.924 gallons in 3.5 liters.
51.5 liters = 13.605 US gallons = 11.328 imperial gallonsDry:51.5 liters = 11.6198 dry US gallonsLiquid: 1 litre = 0.2642 liquid US gallons = 0.2200 Imperial gallonsDry: 1 litre = 0.2270 dry US gallons
112 liters = 29.587 US gallons = 24.637 imperial gallons
There are approximately 6.384 Canadian gallons of gasoline in a cubic foot.
There are Imperial gallons and US gallons, the UK uses Imperial gallons as does most of the rest of the world.
11 Imperial pints = 1.37500 Imperial Gallons 11 Imperial pints = 1.65130683 US Gallons 11 US pints = 1.14492653 Imperial Gallons 11 US pints = 1.37500 US Gallons
11 imperial gallons = 13.21 (US) gallons (approx)
55 US gallons = 45.8 Imperial gallons.
100,000 Imperial gallons = 120,095.042 US gallons.
US gallons or Imperial gallons? 4,1 litre = 0.9019 Imperial gallons. 4.1 litre = 1.0831 US gallons. 1 Imperial gallon = 1.20095 US gallons 1 Imperial gallon = 4.54596 litres
5.9 Imperial gallons is 7.08561 US gallons.
Since one US gallon is equal to 0.833 Imperial gallons, use this formula:US gallons x 0.833 = Imperial gallons264 x 0.833 = about 220 Imperial gallons
7.91888967 imperial gallons = 9.51019 US gallons.
11,000 US gallons = 9,159 Imperial gallons.
Imp means Imperial, as in Imperial gallons (52 US gallons = 40 Imperial gallons)