There are approximately 64 weeks in 16 months. Sixteen months is one year and 4 months.
16 weeks is approximately 3.7 months.
There are approximately 146 weeks in 34 months.
Roughly 355
You need to work it out this way We know by definition that there are 52 weeks in 12 months. so: 52/12 = the number of week in 1 month. 4.3333 So if 1 month = 4.3333 weeks, 18 months = 4.3333*18 = 77.9994 weeks.
Sixteen weeks is four months.
16 weeks
16 weeks!
About 16 or 17 months
There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.
...Divide..... 16 weeks pregnant....4 weeks per month... 16/4=4 months.
There are approximately 64 weeks in 16 months. Sixteen months is one year and 4 months.
16 (nearly 17)
64 weeks
16 weeks is approximately 3.7 months.
A puppy should get a series of three distemper shots - 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks. These should be boostered at 12 months, so by 16 months of age a dog should have had 4 distemper shots.