There are approximately 69 weeks in 16 months. This calculation is done by multiplying the number of months by the average number of weeks in a month (4.33 weeks per month) to get approximately 69 weeks.
There are approximately 64 weeks in 16 months. Sixteen months is one year and 4 months.
28 weeks is approximately 6-7 months, as each month has around 4 weeks.
108 weeks is equivalent to around 24.92 months.
About 14 months and a week.
469 days 16 months & 3 weeks
Sixteen weeks is four months.
16 weeks is 1 year and half. hope this will help you.
Months are generally 30 or 31 days long with 7 days in a week. That makes each month a little over 4 weeks long. 39 weeks would be almost 10 months or 9 months and 3 weeks.
There are approximately 69 weeks in 16 months. This calculation is done by multiplying the number of months by the average number of weeks in a month (4.33 weeks per month) to get approximately 69 weeks.
There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.
16 weeks
...Divide..... 16 weeks pregnant....4 weeks per month... 16/4=4 months.
16 weeks!
About 16 or 17 months
There are approximately 64 weeks in 16 months. Sixteen months is one year and 4 months.
3 months