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If the Earth has orbited the sun exactly 12 times since you were born,

then Venus has completed 19.51 revolutions in the same length of time.


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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
I need more imformation please
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βˆ™ 15y ago

that's a stupid question. got to hell wiki answers. to hell. that's a stupid question. got to hell wiki answers. to hell.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The same age you would be on earth in actual time; only the days and years would be counted a little differently.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

365 * 12 = 4380 days (on earth)

4380 / 224 = 19.5 years

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βˆ™ 12y ago

17.8 years

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βˆ™ 4y ago

the same age

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Q: How old would a 12 year old person be on venus?
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How old would a ten year old be in Venus?

Still ten years. There isn't any notable time dilation effect. But Venus orbits the sun every 225 Earth days, so a ten year old Venusian boy would just over 6 years old on Earth. Similarly, a 10 year old Earth boy would be 16 years old on Venus.

Why would a 11 year old be 17 days old on venus?

Obviously the person would still be 11 Earth years old. There are 2 main definitions of a "day" On Venus the values are: "Solar Day" about 117 Earth days. "Sidereal Day" about 243 Earth days. Using these numbers, the 11 year old would either be about 34.34 or 16.53 days old. So, the answer is "Yes" (nearly) if you mean the Sidereal day. This is the time taken for Venus to rotate once.

If you are eleven on earth how old are you on Venus?

If you are eleven years old on Earth, you would be about 17 years old on Venus. This is because a year on Venus is about 225 Earth days, so time passes relatively faster on Venus compared to Earth.

What is my age on venus if im 11?

If you are 11 years old on Earth, you would be around 17 years old on Venus because a year on Venus is about 225 Earth days long.

How old will you be on venus if you were 10?

Venus' year is 224.7 (Earth) days, while Earth's year is 365.26 days. In terms of Venus, if you were ten, you would be 2247 Earth days old. Divide that by 365.26 and you get 6.15 Earth years. So you would be a little bit more than 6 Earth years old if you were 10 Venusian years old.

How old would you be on Venus if you were 35 on earth?

You would be 35 on Venus too.

How old would a thirty year old man be on Venus?

In earth years he would be 48. Venus orbits the sun in in about 584 days. The earth orbit the sun in about 365.25 days. 584/365.25=1.6 1.6x30=48.

What year would a 94 year old person be?


How old is this person 1978?

To present year 2010, that person would be 32 years old.

How old would a seventeen year old person be on Saturn?

76 and if you were six you would be 15

If you are 10 on earth how old would you be on venus?

In the time it takes Earth to go around the Sun 10 times, Venus goes around the Sun a little over 16 times. If you were speaking with someone native to Venus who called the time it takes their planet to go around the Sun "a year", then you could tell them you were 16 years old. Of course, this doesn't change your actual age, just the meaning of the word used to describe it.

On Venus if you are one year old you are not quite one day old How can this be true?

On Venus, if someone determined the age of a one year old with the method that we use on Earth, the child would not quite be one day old. This can only be possible if a day is longer than a year on Venus. Scientifically, a day is the amount of time it takes for a planet to completely spin around once on its axis, and Venus takes approximately 243 Earth days to do so. On the other hand, a day on Earth is about 24 hours long. To add, a year is measured as the time it takes for a planet’s revolution, and since Venus is closer to the sun than Earth, it takes a shorter route of orbit around the sun, making a full ellipse in around 225.7 Earth days. In contrast, a year on Earth is much longer, about 365.2422 Earth days to be exact. Therefore, since a Venusian year is longer than a Venusian day, it is a true fact that a one-year old can be less than a day old on Venus.