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a result that is around 5% +/- the other results

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9mo ago

In chemistry, outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the rest of the data set. Outliers can result from measurement errors, experimental uncertainties, or unexpected reactions. It is important to identify and address outliers in data analysis to ensure accurate and reliable results.

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Why do you think a stylist who performs chemical texture services should have a basic undertanding of chemistry?

By understanding basic chemistry you can explain this process to a client.

How do you get a PhD in chemistry?

To obtain a PhD in chemistry, you typically need to complete coursework, pass a series of comprehensive exams, conduct original research, write a dissertation, and defend your work in front of a committee of experts in the field. This process usually takes around 4-6 years to complete.

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Liquors must be distilled, and distillery is a chemical process.

What degree would one need for an analytical chemistry job?

The minimum degree one would need for an analytical chemistry job would be a Bachelor's degree in chemistry. A master's degree or Ph.D. would greatly increase the chances in the analytical chemistry field.

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You would use chemistry software if you feel you need assistance in your chemistry work, for examples such as drawing chemical structure designs. Chemistry software is often found useful by chemistry major students in college.