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3.2/8 = check it....

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4w ago

The Rf value is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the component (3.2 cm) by the distance traveled by the solvent front (8 cm). So, Rf = 3.2 cm / 8 cm = 0.4.

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Q: If the solvent front moves 8 cm and a component in a sample being analysed moves 3.2 cm from the baseline what is the Rf value for this component?
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How do you get a good FT-IR baseline?

To get a good FT-IR baseline, ensure that the instrument is properly calibrated, the sample chamber is clean, and measurement conditions are consistent. Use a blank solvent or reference material to correct for any background noise, and average multiple scans to improve signal-to-noise ratio.

What is baseline in uv?

In UV spectroscopy, the baseline refers to the horizontal line at zero absorbance on the absorbance axis. It represents the reference point for measuring the absorbance of the sample. The baseline should be stable and noise-free to ensure accurate measurement of the absorbance of the sample.

Difference between spectrophotometry and differential spectrophotometry?

Spectrophotometry measures the amount of light absorbed or transmitted by a sample across a range of wavelengths, providing information on the sample's concentration and chemical structure. Differential spectrophotometry compares the absorption of light between two samples or two different conditions of the same sample, highlighting differences in concentration or composition.

What is propelling force in paper chromatography?

The propelling force in paper chromatography is capillary action, where the solvent moves through the paper due to the attraction between the solvent and the paper fibers. This causes the components in the sample to separate as they are carried at different rates along the paper.

What is the moving solvent called in chromatography?

The moving solvent in chromatography is referred to as the mobile phase. It carries the sample through the stationary phase, allowing for separation based on differences in affinity between the components of the sample.

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How do you get a good FT-IR baseline?

To get a good FT-IR baseline, ensure that the instrument is properly calibrated, the sample chamber is clean, and measurement conditions are consistent. Use a blank solvent or reference material to correct for any background noise, and average multiple scans to improve signal-to-noise ratio.

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In UV spectroscopy, the baseline refers to the horizontal line at zero absorbance on the absorbance axis. It represents the reference point for measuring the absorbance of the sample. The baseline should be stable and noise-free to ensure accurate measurement of the absorbance of the sample.

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Take a sample to a lab to get analysed.

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Spectrophotometry measures the amount of light absorbed or transmitted by a sample across a range of wavelengths, providing information on the sample's concentration and chemical structure. Differential spectrophotometry compares the absorption of light between two samples or two different conditions of the same sample, highlighting differences in concentration or composition.

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Only way to find out - is to take a stool sample to a vet and have it analysed.

Fix the PH and Radium in your well water?

Get a sample analysed at a lab FIRST -so you know what to do .

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This is 'turbidity' and is measured in 'ppm' when you have a water sample analysed in a lab.

Who do you call for well water problems?

You call a well or filtration company . First get a sample analysed at a lab.

Explain why the sample to be seen through a microscope cant be thick?

the light from the lamp below the table would not get through the sample, meaning it could not be seen or analysed.

How can you remove brown coloring of well water?

You get a sample analysed then use appropriate filters for whatever is making it brown.

How can you find out the inheritance of cystic fibrosis?

take a genetic test - a blood or tissue sample is analysed for specific mutations